6 Wellness Podcasts for a Happier, Healthier Life
I'm a big podcastfan and I listen to them A LOT! Whether I'm doing my hair, driving to work,cooking, working out...whatever the activity, you'll probably hear a podcastplaying in the background.
If you haven'tentered the podcast world yet, it's time you take the plunge! Podcasts are entertaining and informative,and the best part is you can listen on the go. It's a fun and easy way to learn about almost any topic you can thinkof.
Now that werejumping into the new year, my podcast focus has shifted to the health andwellness arena. If you're anything like me you've been thinking about how to bethe best version of yourself and strive for health and happiness this year.
Well look nofurther! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite wellness-related podcasts thatwill motivate you as you start or continuing on your wellness journey.
I love that these podcasts approach wellness from many different perspectives--focusing on mind, body and spirit. I think each of these aspects of health are super important. For long term well-being we really need a balance of all three. Each of these podcasts has something unique to offer to the wellness space and I really enjoy listening. I know you will too!
1. Oprah's Super Soul Conversations

Inmy mind Oprah can do no wrong (does that make me biased?!). And her podcast is outstanding for thoselooking to grow and develop inside and out. This is my go-to podcast when I want a mindset shift. Oprah's deeply personal and meaningfulconversations always leave me feeling uplifted and inspired. Her guests are fascinating and includebest-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, health and wellness experts andeven celebrities. They so eloquentlyshare their stories, recapping their biggest life lessons. The show aims to provide answers to life'sbiggest questions and bring you closer to your best self. You'll learn about self-discovery,spirituality, finding your purpose and so much more.
2. Mind Body Green Podcast

I randomly came across this podcast when I was going through a really bad bout of eczema and was looking for natural, non-conventional methods of healing. This podcast speaks on that very subject. Host, Jason Wachob, is changing the conversation about health and advocates for a more holistic approach to wellness. One that goes beyond just the physical body. Jason's journey began when, with the help of functional medicine and yoga, he was able to naturally heal from a serious back injury. One that, under normal circumstances, would require surgery. Ever since then he's been on a quest to show transformative power of wellness. The show is casual and informative and the guests are some of biggest names in the wellness industry. Jason is real and honest and not afraid to look at the wellness industry through a critical lens. I've learned so many unexpected things from this podcast like how kale might actually be bad for your health and the life-changing power of mushrooms. This show is packed with information and Jason does a great job of keeping things interesting week after week.
3. The Wellness Mama Podcast

Don'tlet the name fool you, this podcast is not just for mamas! It's for anyone looking to craft a healthierlifestyle. I've been following theWellness Mama blog for some time now, since I've been on my own wellnessjourney and looking toward natural methods of healing. Her posts are always extremely thorough andwell-researched, yet easy to digest and apply. She's someone that I've reallycome to trust when it comes to health and wellness. I've recently startedlistening to her podcast and it's become a new favorite. On the podcast, Katiediscusses topics like holistic health, real food, fitness, and natural livingwith a little bit of motherhood and family life sprinkled in. Katie is extremely knowledgeable and I loveher personality. Definitely give this podcast a try for actionable tips forliving your healthiest life.
4. Food Heaven Podcast

Hostedby Registered Dietitians and BFFs Wendy and Jess, who vow to make the world ahealthier place one meal at a time. Ifyou're looking for a one stop shop for all things food, health and nutritionthis is it! Wendy and Jess, really knowtheir stuff. I love hearing their takeon popular wellness topics and their conversations with different leaders inthe wellness community. They give realtips for making sustainable changes to improve health. Things that you'll actually be able to applyand maintain. Their episodes aren'tsuper long. They range from about 20 to 45 minutes, giving you quality contentwithout all the fluff.
5. Good Life Project

GoodLife Project is way more than just a podcast, it's a movement. Founded byJonathan Fields, he and his team are on a mission to help us live a moremeaningful, connected and vital life. Onthe podcast, Johnathon gives us a peak into the lives of some of the mostaccomplished teachers, creators and leaders. He walks us through their journey and how they've achieved meaning,connection, and purpose in their lives. It really makes you rethink your own definition of "the goodlife." There's something so calmingand gentle about Jonathan's voice, and you can feel his authenticity andpassion in every episode. This is anamazingly inspirational podcast that I highly recommend. Shout out to my mom,who introduced me to this show!
6. Mind Body Musings

Irecently started listening to Mind Body Musings and I'm obsessed! It's rare that you listen to a podcast andfeel completely understood. If you'reinterested in topics like self-love, mindset, personal growth, spirituality,and how these all relate to health and wellness, then this is the podcast foryou! Author, life coach and formerfitness model, Maddy Moon shares her insight on aligning mind, body andspirit. Maddy's kind of like a wise,older sister, encouraging and pushing you to reach your full potential andletting you know that everything is gonna be just fine. She does a combination of interview style andsolo session episodes, that are always full of real-talk, humor, andmotivation.
What are your favorite wellness podcasts?