6 Wellness Podcasts for a Happier, Healthier Life
I'm a big podcast fan and I listen to them A LOT! Whether I'm doing my hair, driving to work, cooking, working out...whatever the activity, you'll probably hear a podcast playing in the background. Today I'm sharing some of my favorite wellness-related podcasts that will motivate you as you start or continuing on your wellness journey.
I'm a big podcastfan and I listen to them A LOT! Whether I'm doing my hair, driving to work,cooking, working out...whatever the activity, you'll probably hear a podcastplaying in the background.
If you haven'tentered the podcast world yet, it's time you take the plunge! Podcasts are entertaining and informative,and the best part is you can listen on the go. It's a fun and easy way to learn about almost any topic you can thinkof.
Now that werejumping into the new year, my podcast focus has shifted to the health andwellness arena. If you're anything like me you've been thinking about how to bethe best version of yourself and strive for health and happiness this year.
Well look nofurther! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite wellness-related podcasts thatwill motivate you as you start or continuing on your wellness journey.
I love that these podcasts approach wellness from many different perspectives--focusing on mind, body and spirit. I think each of these aspects of health are super important. For long term well-being we really need a balance of all three. Each of these podcasts has something unique to offer to the wellness space and I really enjoy listening. I know you will too!
1. Oprah's Super Soul Conversations

Inmy mind Oprah can do no wrong (does that make me biased?!). And her podcast is outstanding for thoselooking to grow and develop inside and out. This is my go-to podcast when I want a mindset shift. Oprah's deeply personal and meaningfulconversations always leave me feeling uplifted and inspired. Her guests are fascinating and includebest-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, health and wellness experts andeven celebrities. They so eloquentlyshare their stories, recapping their biggest life lessons. The show aims to provide answers to life'sbiggest questions and bring you closer to your best self. You'll learn about self-discovery,spirituality, finding your purpose and so much more.
2. Mind Body Green Podcast

I randomly came across this podcast when I was going through a really bad bout of eczema and was looking for natural, non-conventional methods of healing. This podcast speaks on that very subject. Host, Jason Wachob, is changing the conversation about health and advocates for a more holistic approach to wellness. One that goes beyond just the physical body. Jason's journey began when, with the help of functional medicine and yoga, he was able to naturally heal from a serious back injury. One that, under normal circumstances, would require surgery. Ever since then he's been on a quest to show transformative power of wellness. The show is casual and informative and the guests are some of biggest names in the wellness industry. Jason is real and honest and not afraid to look at the wellness industry through a critical lens. I've learned so many unexpected things from this podcast like how kale might actually be bad for your health and the life-changing power of mushrooms. This show is packed with information and Jason does a great job of keeping things interesting week after week.
3. The Wellness Mama Podcast

Don'tlet the name fool you, this podcast is not just for mamas! It's for anyone looking to craft a healthierlifestyle. I've been following theWellness Mama blog for some time now, since I've been on my own wellnessjourney and looking toward natural methods of healing. Her posts are always extremely thorough andwell-researched, yet easy to digest and apply. She's someone that I've reallycome to trust when it comes to health and wellness. I've recently startedlistening to her podcast and it's become a new favorite. On the podcast, Katiediscusses topics like holistic health, real food, fitness, and natural livingwith a little bit of motherhood and family life sprinkled in. Katie is extremely knowledgeable and I loveher personality. Definitely give this podcast a try for actionable tips forliving your healthiest life.
4. Food Heaven Podcast

Hostedby Registered Dietitians and BFFs Wendy and Jess, who vow to make the world ahealthier place one meal at a time. Ifyou're looking for a one stop shop for all things food, health and nutritionthis is it! Wendy and Jess, really knowtheir stuff. I love hearing their takeon popular wellness topics and their conversations with different leaders inthe wellness community. They give realtips for making sustainable changes to improve health. Things that you'll actually be able to applyand maintain. Their episodes aren'tsuper long. They range from about 20 to 45 minutes, giving you quality contentwithout all the fluff.
5. Good Life Project

GoodLife Project is way more than just a podcast, it's a movement. Founded byJonathan Fields, he and his team are on a mission to help us live a moremeaningful, connected and vital life. Onthe podcast, Johnathon gives us a peak into the lives of some of the mostaccomplished teachers, creators and leaders. He walks us through their journey and how they've achieved meaning,connection, and purpose in their lives. It really makes you rethink your own definition of "the goodlife." There's something so calmingand gentle about Jonathan's voice, and you can feel his authenticity andpassion in every episode. This is anamazingly inspirational podcast that I highly recommend. Shout out to my mom,who introduced me to this show!
6. Mind Body Musings

Irecently started listening to Mind Body Musings and I'm obsessed! It's rare that you listen to a podcast andfeel completely understood. If you'reinterested in topics like self-love, mindset, personal growth, spirituality,and how these all relate to health and wellness, then this is the podcast foryou! Author, life coach and formerfitness model, Maddy Moon shares her insight on aligning mind, body andspirit. Maddy's kind of like a wise,older sister, encouraging and pushing you to reach your full potential andletting you know that everything is gonna be just fine. She does a combination of interview style andsolo session episodes, that are always full of real-talk, humor, andmotivation.
What are your favorite wellness podcasts?
How to Choose Your Word of the Year for 2019
Everyone’s talking about their New Year’s Resolutions, but have you ever considered setting a Word of the Year?
One word to encapsulate your goals, desires, and intentions for the year ahead.
When I heard about this practice on one of my favorite podcasts, I was really intrigued and decided to adopt it as a new New Year’s tradition.
I’m usually very big on goal-setting and resolution-making. But, let’s be honest, who really sticks to their resolutions for the entire year? (Not me!)
I love the idea of having one overarching theme. A mantra that I can focus on throughout the year, directing my path and constantly reminding me of who I want to be and where I want to go.
I also like that there’s no success or failure involved. Your word is something that you can incorporate in every area of life and work toward a little each day.
“Your thoughts become things!” -Rhonda Byrne
If you believe in the law of attraction, then you know how powerful your thoughts can be. Choosing a Word of the Year will give you clarity and guidance and help you make your thoughts a reality in 2019.
Choosing Your Word of the Year

The possibilities for your Word of the Year are endless. All that matters is you pick a word (or a few words) that resonate with you and your aspirations.
It should keep you focused, motivated and on track throughout the year.
My word of the year for 2019 is Authentic. I want to focus on being simply and unapologetically me. That means knowing myself, accepting my strengths and weaknesses, not being afraid to be vulnerable, and not caring what anyone thinks. If you want to know more about my word of the year you can read all about it here!
You might have a word that immediately comes to mind. Or you may need to spend some time brainstorming the right word for you.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself when thinking about your Word of the Year:
- What energy or feeling do I want to bring to this year?
- What do I want more (or less) of in my life?
- What do I want to improve or do differently?
- Who do I want to be?
- What do I need to achieve my goals?
Here are a few more helpful tips for choosing your word:
Take some time
Don’t be afraid to spend a little time thinking about your word. Take your time, ask yourself the questions above, do some meditation or prayer, or try journaling. All of these will help you reflect on what you want and need most for the year and lead you to your word. It took me a few days to decide. There’s no rush. And there’s no deadline. Even if it takes you all month to solidify what you want to focus on that’s ok. The important thing is to find a meaningful word that’s gonna keep you on track and guide you where you want to go.
Make a list
Write down all the words that come to mind. No wrong answers! Just let it flow. You can narrow down your list later.
Think about your goals
If you already have some goals or resolutions in mind, write them down. You may find an overarching theme that ties all your goals together. Or maybe there’s something you need to help or motivate you to achieve your goals--for example confidence, faith, vision.
Don’t overthink
It may come to you immediately or it may take you a little while to decide. But you’ll know when you’ve found it. I made a list of a few words and there was one that I kept coming back to. I would hear it in conversations, on social media, on podcasts, everywhere. That’s how I knew it was the one.
101 Word Suggestions
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Make Your Word Stick
Choosing a word is the first step, but you want to make sure your word will stay with you all year long. Just saying it once isn’t going to create the changes you want to make.
“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.” -Anonymous
The more you focus on your word, the more you’ll be able to manifest it in your daily experiences.
Here are a few ways that you can solidify your word of the year and keep it at the forefront of your mind.
Write it
Once I chose my word, the first thing I did was write about it in my journal. I wrote out my reasons for selecting it, what it means to me, and how I plan to incorporate it into my life throughout the year. Doing this helped me to get clear on why this word was important and how I was going to work toward that goal with specific actions. Defining your word and making a plan will make your vision feel more tangible.
Talk about it
Sometimes when you say things out loud, it feels more real. For me, whenever I tell someone about a plan or goal or something I’m working on, I feel a more accountable to myself to follow through. Share your word with the people around. You could even encourage a friend or family member to do it with you! Have them choose a word of their own and you can support each other throughout the year.
See it
There’s so much to think about on any given day, but you don’t want to forget about the intentions that you set with your word of the year. Seeing little reminders here and there will bring you back to your word and keep you focused.
You can write it on your mirror, make it the screensaver on your computer or your background on your phone. Put post it notes of your word in high traffic areas where you will see it throughout the day like your car dashboard, office desk, front of the fridge or any where you spend a lot of time.
Create it
Make a visual piece that you can display to remind you of your word. Get creative! You can make a vision board, painting other work of art to represent the meaning and feeling behind your word. This is a great way to visualize your goals daily and attract the things you want.
I’m really excited for this year and ready to start living out my word of the year. I hope this gives you a few ideas for choosing your word.
Have you ever chosen a word of the year word? What's your word of the year is for 2019!
My Word of the Year: Authentic
This year I decided to try something new and choose a Word of the Year for 2019. That is, one word to represent my intentions, goals and desires. A theme for the year ahead.
The first word that popped into my head was peace. I really want to be that zen, mindful person that meditates and does yoga. That person who doesn’t get stressed or worry about the small stuff. The one who’s at peace with themselves and the world around them.
That’s who I ultimately strive to be...And one day I will be that person. But I have some work to do first.
I had a few other options for my word of the year, but the other top contender was authentic. A word I’ve been hearing a lot lately, especially when it comes to blogging. With the hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, you have to have your own unique voice and style so that you can stand out from the crowd, but also be relatable and connect with readers. You must be authentic.
But authenticity isn’t just necessary for writing a blog. I realized that if I want to be that peaceful, zen person I envision, I need to first focus on living authentically--knowing myself, accepting my strengths and weaknesses, not being afraid to be vulnerable, and not caring what anyone thinks about it.
“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”
-Brené Brown
I believe that is really the first step toward achieving that inner peace I’m looking for.
So this year I’m focusing on being authentic. But how??
Letting Go of Perfection
This is a hard one for me. I’m a HUGE perfectionist and have been for as long as I can remember. My dad always tells the story of how, when my parents separated, he had to comb my hair for school and I would get so upset and make him redo it if ever my pigtails weren’t perfectly symmetrical on both sides of my head. I was maybe 6 or 7 years old then.
So this goes wayyyy back!
Until recently I thought being a perfectionist was a great thing. It afforded me good grades, compliments and praise, acceptance into excellent schools, and many other accolades.
But honestly, it’s draining. I might even go so far as to say it’s debilitating. You put so much pressure on yourself and you fear any mistake and this makes you barely want to do anything at all. It stops you from taking risks, it makes you question your every move, you knit pick at everything you do and you constantly wonder if what you’re doing is good enough to reach that elusive standard you have set.
And when you don’t hit that mark of perfection, it can be painful.
There’s no better example of my perfectionism in action than with this very blog. I’ve been working at it for over a year. Choosing a domain, tweaking the design, deciding on the niche, playing with topics, not to mention all the research on the best way to do xy and z.
Not to mention writing posts and feeling the need to double and triple check to make sure everything, down to each sentence, sounds perfect.
I got to the point where I thought maybe this whole blogging thing wasn’t for me. It shouldn’t take me a literal day and a half to write one post. But I have to shake that pressure off because I don’t want this to hold me back.
I’m learning that "done is better than perfect."
I’m also learning that perfect and authentic don’t mix. You can’t be perfect and authentic because perfect isn’t possible. It’s not real.
So this year, if I’m going to be authentic, I have to let go of trying to be perfect.
Easier said than done...but my strategy is to strive for imperfection.
It’s so ingrained in me to set goals, but instead of doing things in the name of perfection, I’m going to work toward accepting and showcasing my imperfections.
That means...
Being vulnerable.
Not being afraid to take risks and make mistakes.
Being ok with being wrong.
And not worrying about anyone’s opinion.
Self-Acceptance and Self-love
To be authentic is to know, accept and love that person you see in the mirror everyday. It’s being ok with not just the good, but the bad and the ugly. And not being afraid to show all three sides.
I realized that so often I focus on the person I want to become--more successful, more fit, clearer skin, better communicator, happier--that I completely neglect the person that I am right now.
But I must say, who I am today deserves a little more credit. She’s working hard, she’s learning and growing each day, she’s following her own path, and taking more risks than ever before.
This year I want to get re-acquainted with that person. I need to get crystal clear on who I am--values, goals, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses. And most importantly, what gives me peace and joy.
That means...
Wiping the dust off my journal and developing a regular practice of writing to going deeper with my thoughts and feelings.
Giving myself grace--setting goals for the future, but accepting enjoying who and where I am right now.
Listening to and trusting my intuition.
And using positive affirmations of self-love and encouragement.
Living for Me
At some point in my childhood, I learned the importance of keeping up appearances. That there was an image I needed to uphold to the outside world. At home you can let your hair down, but outside you need to be on point--have your clothes ironed and cuffed, be polite and likeable and never overshare.
A lot of the messaging I received was framed as: if you do ____ then people will think ___.
For example, if you dress nicely, then people will think you’re so cute. If you don’t do your homework, then people will think you’re lazy.
Naturally, I became really conscious of my image and how I was perceived by the world. I prioritized external validation and other people’s opinions over my own.
I really became aware of this a couple of years ago when I arrived at an important decision: whether or not to go to law school.
This wasn’t just an idea that popped into my head, but a long term plan I had since college. I was to graduate with a degree in sociology, work as a Teach for America corps member, go to law school, and have a career in education law and policy.
It made perfect sense, sounded great. But I knew, if I was being completely and 100% honest, that wasn’t the life I wanted. It was what I thought I was supposed to do, what would look good to the outside world.
Ultimately, I decided against going to law school and the experience taught me that I’ve got to start living for me.
I’m unlearning those early messages and valuing my own opinion over everybody else’s.
That means...
Reframing my thought process--asking how something will make me feel, instead of what people will think about it.
Doing what feels good and resonates with me.
Posting the things I like on social media and not caring about likes or comments.
Not being afraid to say no.
And embracing the fact that I won’t always be liked.
Authenticity is a journey and something to work at everyday. I'm excited to start 2019 with this focus and intention and I encourage you to do the same! If you want to know how you can choose your own Word of the Year for 2019, check out my post here.
But I want to know...what does being authentic mean to you? How do you show authenticity in your daily life? Do you have any tips for being a more authentic person? Let me know in the comments below.
New Years Reading List
It's that time again...time to start planning for the new year! One of my goals for this year is to read at least 12 books. Do you think I can do it?!
In full transparency, this is not the first year I resolved to read more and let's just say I've never quite hit the mark. This year, however, I'm prepared with a list of books that I'm excited to crack open.
So far my list is comprised of six non-fiction books. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good novel, but the personal development/self-help genre is my go-to. I love learning about ways to grow and improve and just live my best life!
Over the years I've kept a list of interesting books I've come across on podcasts, blogs, from friends, or that have caught my eye at the book store. The list is constantly changing as I check off those that I've read and add new ones.
I'm starting with six books because I want to leave room to add more through out the year. And I would love recommendations!
Without further ado, here is my current reading list for 2019.
1. Becoming by Michelle Obama

One of the most anticipated books of 2018, Becoming gives a first hand account of the life and times of my favorite FLOTUS. I miss the Obamas in office, but I'm excited to read the juicy tidbits that went on behind the scenes and her path from the South Side of Chicago to Pennsylvania Ave.
I got a little taste of Michelle's story while listening to her interview on Oprah's Super Soul Conversations Podcast, but I definitely want more! Michelle is just incredible and a role-model of mine, so this book is high up on my list!
2. You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

This book has been on my radar for sometime. The title alone piqued my interest. I mean, who doesn't want to be a badass?! From what I've read, this book has been life-changing for many people--full of tangible advice and hands-on exercises that you can apply immediately. And that's exactly what I need. I want to let go of limiting beliefs and fear so that nothing can hold me back in the new year.
I had the chance to learn a little about the author when she was interviewed on the Good Life Project Podcast. Jen is super funny, down-to-earth, and relatable, which makes me want to read her book that much more.
3. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

I think we've all experienced at one time or another that nagging voice in our head that we can't get rid of. The one that brings to mind all our worries, doubts, and anxieties. The Untethered Soul takes you on a spiritual journey to quiet that voice and separate you from your thoughts.
As someone who is always in my own head, over-analyzing and over-thinking, this book stood out when I first heard about it on Oprah's Super Soul Conversations podcast (yes, I listen to this one a lot!). According to Oprah, the book will "help you find a greater sense of inner peace," and that's something I'm working on for next year.
4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

When it comes to personal finances, I'm not the worst--I have some money saved up, I've reduced my debt to just school loans, and I'm starting to dabble in investing--but I have a looong way to go. As we move into the new year I'm committed to improving my financial situation and decided read up on the subject.
After doing a bit of research, I decided on Think and Grow Rich, a personal finance classic and must-read. Written in 1937 and based on a series of interviews conducted with several self-made millionaires, this book has remained relevant for decades. It's not just about how to make money, but the mindsets and habits required for long-term financial success.
5. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

The title of this book really speaks to me! For as long as I can remember people have called me "quiet." And for as long as I can remember I have hated that label. I've always had this internal struggle of feeling like I needed to be louder and more outgoing and talkative, while being naturally inclined to listen and observe more than I speak.
I know how challenging it can be as an introvert living in what feels like an extrovert's world. I like how this book speaks to the positive aspects of being an introvert and all that we bring to the table. I'm excited to read this one as it was featured on another one of my favorite podcasts, The Jordan Harbinger Show.
6. Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People by Vanessa Van Edwards

Social science is fascinating to me. In college I took various psychology and anthropology classes, and earned my degree in sociology. What makes us interact the way we do? What do facial expressions and body language really mean? Vanessa dives into these questions and more to show you how to scientifically build deeper connections with the people you meet. This isn't just a book, but more of a manual to help you improve your interpersonal intelligence and generally be less awkward in social interactions. I could definitely use some help in that department!
I heard Vanessa speak on various podcasts. She's a behavioral investigator and is highly skilled in what she does. I like how her methods are backed by science, but she breaks it down for the average person to understand and apply. This should be a really fun and interesting read!