The 4 Types of Stress You Need to Know
You may be surprised to learn that stress is more than our thoughts, feelings, and reactions to our circumstances. There are different types of stress that cause our body to activate its stress response (learn more about that here!). Many of which get completely overlooked in our conversations about stress.
This may sound crazy, but I love talking about stress. Now, I don’t love stress itself (I’m not a masochist!), but I do enjoy conversations around this topic because stress plays a major role in our health and overall quality of life.
Don’t believe me, listen to this:
75 - 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and more (source).
I’m going to guess that when you hear the word stress, feelings like overwhelm, fear, and frustrations come to mind. Or situations like a demanding job, an argument with your partner, or your car breaking down on the side of the road.
But you may be surprised to learn that stress is more than our thoughts, feelings, and reactions to our circumstances. There are different types of stress that cause our body to activate its stress response (learn more about that here!). Many of which get completely overlooked in our conversations about stress.
And these often unmentioned stressors may be affecting you without you even realizing it! Causing your stress levels to rise and your risk for illness to increase. We don’t want that!
This is why it’s important to understand stress in all its forms, so you can identify what’s stressing you out and putting undue strain on your body.
Knowledge is power and once you know, you can take action toward creating your healthiest, happiest life.
Read on to learn about the different forms of stress that throw our body out of balance and sabotage our wellness.
What is stress? A new perspective
Most definitions of stress define it as an emotional response to an external stressor. In other words, our reaction to a threat, big or small. But there’s more to it than that.
Stress is the body's reaction to ANY change that requires an adjustment or response and the body reacts with physical, mental, and emotional responses (source). These changes are not only triggered by our thoughts and feelings but can come from various sources which we’ll discuss in a moment.
First, I want to touch on acute vs. chronic stress.
These are the two major categories of stress that differentiate between “good” (unharmful) and bad stress. Keep in mind that our body is designed to handle stress, and it is quite good at it. But everything has its breaking point.
Acute stress is momentary or short-term and usually triggered by something specific like a fast-approaching deadline. It has a beginning and an end. This is the type of stress we were built for.
On the other hand, chronic stress (the name alone sounds unpleasant!) is the long-term, dragging on-and-on kind of stress. It’s a problem because it keeps the body on high alert never giving it a chance to rest. Over time, chronic stress can have a major impact on your physical and mental health.
All stressors will fall into either of these two categories based on their duration and are important to keep in mind. Remember, not all stress is bad. A lot of stress is normal, but being able to recognize when it’s not is key.
4 Types of Stress
There are many many sources of stress that throw the body out of balance and activate its stress response. In this state the body is all fired up, ready to fight danger (perceived or real), and is working really hard to keep you safe.
These sources of stress can be grouped into four different types: psychological, sociological, physical, and chemical. We talk a lot about the first two, but I want you to know that stress could be creeping in from these other sources as well. Let’s take a look.
Emotional- anger, fear, depression, grief, poor self-esteem and confidence
Cognitive- overwhelm, anxiety, frustration, worry, perfectionism, guilt, shame
Spiritual- lack of purpose, meaning or joy; out of alignment with values and core beliefs
Poor/toxic relationships
Lack of social connection and/or isolation
Death of loved one
Work environment
Financial worries
Life changes like new job, marriage, or birth
Daily hassles and to-do lists
Injuries (acute or chronic)
Repetitive motions such as during work
Poor posture (text neck, slouching, etc)
Excessive exercise or not enough exercise
Major illness, surgery, infection
Any health condition, autoimmune disease, allergies, hormone imbalance, etc.
Poor diet - processed foods, fake ingredients, GMO foods, sugars & highly processed oils, conventional meats, alcohol, caffeine
Pesticides and herbicides from foods and cleaning supplies
Conventional skincare, beauty and cleaning products
Heavy metals (water supply, vaccines)
Toxins through work exposure, air supply, pollution
That’s a lot, right? It’s crazy to think about how we are all bombarded with so many different stressors every day.
Everything from the foods we eat, the products we put on our skin and use in our homes, to the air we breathe in our environments could be creating a stressful internal environment. Add that to the stressful thoughts and emotions that we experience and you may need to take a second look at how much stress your body is really under.
What to do about it
The last thing I want to do is scare you! Yes, stressors, physical and mental, are all around us. But, the good news is our bodies are extremely resilient. Like I mentioned before, we were designed to handle stressors of all sorts. However, when stress becomes chronic, the body will eventually reach its breaking point.
Think of each of these categories as a bucket. The more buckets are filled the more work the body has to do. If all the buckets start to overflow, the body is gonna snap! That’s when you start to experience stress-related symptoms and ultimately a full-blown illness
With stress coming at us from all of these different sources, it’s necessary to find a way to lighten the load and address the areas that are affecting us.
First, it’s important to take stock of how much stress you’re actually under. Oftentimes we don’t feel particularly stressed emotionally, but could still be dealing with other types of stress that are affecting us in the same way. I have a quiz that allows you to see the bigger picture of how stress is impacting you. You can download my Assess Your Stress Quiz here.
Once you have an understanding of the ways stress is impacting you, it’s time to take a good look at your lifestyle as it relates to the 4 types of stress. Which buckets are full for you? What could be throwing your body out of balance?
Consider your nutrition, any long-term illnesses, posture, products used on your body and in your home, stressful situations, or negative feelings. Dive in and start to consider these areas and the real impact they have on your health and wellness.
Don’t get overwhelmed! You might start to realize that your body is under a lot of stress, much more than you realized. The sad thing is that this is true for the vast majority of us. And many things are out of our immediate control like pollution, toxins in our food supply or even a demanding job that you can’t just up and quit.
But there is a lot that we can control, like our thoughts, diet, exercise habits, home environment, and self-care practices. Make small changes to the areas that are your biggest stressors. Small changes add up and the more you can take the burden off your body the better you will feel and the healthier you will stay.
But sometimes it helps to get some support with making these changes and that’s exactly what I help my clients do - make targeted and impactful changes that help you feel unstoppable. That includes stress management, nutrition, movement, self-care, mindset changes, and more, according to your individual needs.
The biggest takeaway that I want you to get from this post is that stress is not just in your head (though that is a major source for most of us). It’s also in our bodies and the environment around us. And all of these stressors add up! The result is physical, mental, and emotional symptoms and further down the line serious illness. With over 75% of illnesses being stress-related, it’s definitely an important topic to understand and explore its impact on you and your wellness.
Why Everyone’s Talking About Mindfulness
We hear the term mindfulness ALL THE TIME. It’s become a popular buzzword in the health and wellness space, but do you know what it really is? In all honesty, I didn't. Is it meditation? Is it yoga? Is it coloring books? For a long time, I wondered what exactly is mindfulness and how do we do it?
Lately, I’ve been learning a lot about this topic and in this post I’m gonna break it down and discuss what mindfulness even is (hint: it’s not as complicated as you might think), why you should practice it, and a few different ways you can go about doing this.
What Mindfulness Is Not
Have you ever finished reading a page in a book only to realize that you have no idea what you just read? Or rushed through a task and not remembered the steps you took to complete it? Or even unknowingly come to the last bite of a meal without noticing?
This is NOT mindfulness! These are examples of mindlessness. That is, engaging in an activity while the mind is completely distracted. Sometimes called being on autopilot, we have the ability to get things done without devoting our full attention (hello multitasking!).
Usually, when we’re engaged in mindlessness we become lost in our thoughts, contemplating the future or replaying the past. And you might be surprised to learn that we spend a large portion of our lives in this state. According to a Harvard study, 47% of the time people are thinking about something other than what they’re doing at the moment.
That’s almost 50% of our lives spent distracted by our thoughts. Imagine all the things we’re missing out on in this mindless state!
Mindfulness is the opposite of mindlessness. It allows you to separate from all of those wandering thoughts and become aware of the present moment.
Mindfulness Defined
There are many definitions for mindfulness out there, but my favorite comes from Headspace, the popular meditation and mindfulness app:
“Mindfulness is the quality of being present and fully engaged with whatever we’re doing at the moment — free from distraction or judgment, and aware of our thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them.”
Simply put, mindfulness is paying attention. It’s noticing what’s going on around you and within you, without getting wrapped up in any thoughts or feelings.
The goal is to be able to observe whatever you’re experiencing and accept it without making any judgments (labeling as good or bad) and instead, take an attitude of curiosity and kindness.
For example, someone cuts you off on the highway. You start feeling that anger bubbling up and you’re about to go off. The mindful way to approach this situation is to take a step back and notice what’s going on for you in that moment. What are you feeling- physically and emotionally? What sensations are you experiencing? What are you thinking (yes, try to think about what you're thinking!)?
When you consider these questions it brings you back to the present, rather than staying stuck on that terrible driver and letting your thoughts spiral down and affect your entire mood. You are better able to control your emotions, instead of them controlling you.
It’s no surprise that mindfulness is a very effective tool for managing mood-related issues like depression, anxiety, and stress!
Mindfulness is not only useful when you’re experiencing extreme emotions like anger. It’s also used to find joy in the simple, often mundane, tasks we do every day. Like going for a walk, eating, even washing the dishes. Tuning in to the sensations you’re experiencing - the sights, the sounds, the feelings, the tastes - will bring about a whole new appreciation for these activities.
Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness is both a practice and a way of life. Many people believe that mindfulness is synonymous with meditation and this is not the case. As we discussed above, mindfulness is simply staying present and engaging in whatever you’re doing at the time.
However, there are activities that allow you to practice mindfulness and help you to become more mindful in your everyday life. Yoga and exercise, eating, even coloring (and other forms of creative expression) are examples of these. But the most popular mindfulness practice is meditation.
Mindfulness meditation gives us time and space to focus intentionally on the present moment, put our guard down, and tune into the body and mind. It’s a mental training practice that has been shown to literally alter the brain! Research shows that consistent meditation can cause the amygdala, the region of the brain responsible for the fight or flight response and control center for stress and depression, to SHRINK. Pretty cool!
So if you want to become more mindful in your daily life, meditation is the best place to start. I find that doing a guided meditation or using an app is a great format to learn and practice mindfulness meditation. My absolute favorite is the Calm app. I also like Insight Timer and Headspace (great for beginners) apps.
The Benefits of Mindfulness
Hopefully, by now I’ve piqued your interest and you’re a little intrigued by this whole mindfulness thing. Well, you’ll be even more interested to learn about the many benefits of mindfulness on health, wellness, and overall quality of life.
Although it’s been written off by some as a spiritual, New Age practice, mindfulness has been widely researched and its benefits scientifically proven.
One fascinating study identified mindfulness as the single most important factor in determining your level of happiness and life satisfaction (once all basic needs for survival are met)! Researchers found that people who focused on their present moment experience (i.e. who were being mindful) were significantly happier than those whose minds wandered away from the present moment, regardless of the nature of their thoughts (positive, negative, or neutral).
I don’t know about you, but happiness is something I can always use more of!
But increased happiness is just one of the benefits mindfulness researchers have uncovered. Countless studies have been conducted revealing the powerful benefits of mindfulness on physical and mental health. Mindfulness has been shown to:
- Lower stress and cortisol levels
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Improve sleep and increases energy levels
- Strengthen immune functioning
- Improve memory, focus, and attention
- Increase empathy and compassion
- Help with pain management
- Improve confidence and emotional resilience
How to Practice Mindfulness
As we discussed above, meditation is the most popular and perhaps the most effective way to develop an intentional mindfulness practice. One that will spill over into your everyday life.
Meditation has become a very meaningful daily practice for me. I have experienced many changes in my mood, my mindset, and yes even my level of happiness and positivity! Meditation is something I highly recommend as a self-development and self-care tool.
However, mindfulness doesn’t always have to be this formal. There are many ways you can infuse mindfulness into anything you do or experience. At any given moment you can ask yourself these questions to get off autopilot and bring your attention to the current moment:
- What do I notice going on around me?
- What feelings am I experiencing right now?
- What was I just thinking about?
- What physical sensations am I experiencing (tingling, pressure, discomfort, etc.)?
Remember to keep an approach of nonjudgment and kindness. Don’t attach any meaning, just observe.
Here are a few other mindfulness tools and techniques to try…
Conscious Breathing
At any time throughout the day stop and take a few deep breaths. Pay close attention to your body. Can you feel the cool air passing through your nostrils? Can you feel the expansion in your chest and abdomen? Tune in to the act of breathing. Try to keep your focus on the breath to help minimize wandering thoughts.
One useful tool that I use to remind myself to take these breathing breaks is the Mindfulness Bell App. Every two hours (or whatever interval you choose), a gentle bell will ring reminding me to check in with myself and breathe. It’s very helpful and keeps you consistent.
Mindful Eating
Try eating your next snack or meal mindfully. Remove all distractions and focus just on your food. Slow down and employ all of your senses-see it, smell it, feel it. When you put it in your mouth, really savor it. Chew it slowly, noticing the textures, the taste, and how it feels in your mouth.
The 5 Senses Technique
This grounding mindfulness exercise can be done almost anywhere. It challenges you to notice what you’re experiencing right then and there through all of your 5 senses. Start by taking a few deep breaths. Then acknowledge:
- 5 things you can see (ex. phone, table, person walking by).
- 4 things you can feel/touch (ex. chair you’re sitting on, the ground under your feet, pen in hand).
- 3 things you can hear (ex. clock, music, wind, distant voices).
- 2 things you can smell (flowers, laundry detergent, lotion on hand).
- 1 thing you can taste (ex. Gum, tea, lingering taste of a recent meal)
Do this slowly, one sense at a time. You will feel yourself becoming more peaceful and mindful as you go through each sense, step by step.
These are just a few of the many ways you can practice mindfulness and incorporate it into your daily life. But keep in mind it doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply asking yourself, “what am I experiencing right now?” is a quick and easy way to practice mindfulness and bring yourself back to the now.
So that’s mindfulness in a nutshell! Hopefully, you see that it’s not anything complicated or intimidating. It’s actually very simple and straightforward and you can customize your own mindfulness practice to fit your needs. I encourage you to start experimenting with mindfulness because the benefits of this practice are so worthwhile. And another bonus: it’s completely free!
If you’re interested in exploring mindfulness and creating a practice of your own, but aren’t sure where to start, I’d love to help! Click here to schedule a free 30 min Strategy Session to discuss how mindfulness could help you reach your wellness goals.
Easy-to-Make Nut Butter Energy Balls
I am a huge snacker and over the years my snack preferences have changed a lot. One of my old favorites used to be Cheezits...don’t judge!
But now I’m a lot more particular about the snacks I choose. I look for snacks that actually have something to offer besides just (artificial) flavor. I’m talking about real nutrients as opposed to empty calories, ingredients that give lasting energy not just a quick burst, and of course, they have to taste good too.
One of my favorite snacks that checks all the boxes are these delicious nut butter energy balls. They’re packed with healthful ingredients, perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up or really any time of day. And what I love most about them is that they are easy to make, no fancy equipment or baking required and they can last for days in the fridge, making them a great meal prep option.
What’s inside
These nut butter energy balls are made with simple, clean ingredients. Many of which you probably already have in your kitchen:
Any nut butter of your choice (I used the Costco brand mixed nut butter made with a few different nuts and seeds)
Chia seeds
Ground flax seeds
Maple syrup (can substitute honey or another sweetener)
Coconut flakes, unsweetened
Chocolate chips (I used Lily’s no sugar added chocolate chips, give these a try if you see them at your grocery store. They taste exactly like the regular ones!)
These are what I had on hand, but you can customize it to your liking by swapping out different ingredients. Here are a few other ideas to try:
Any kind of nut or seed butter
Dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, goji berries)
Chopped nuts
Cocoa/cacao powder
Other spices like vanilla, nutmeg, etc.
How they energize
If you read my last blog post, 5 Reasons You Have Zero Energy, then you know that diet plays a major role in keeping our energy levels up and stable. We need a balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fat to fuel us throughout the day.
But you’re going to reach the point where you could use a little energy boost and that’s when the right snack can be just what you need.
But what is the right snack? The best snacks are those that have a combination of macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and/or healthy fats) because they give you a natural and sustained energy boost.
Carbs are the body’s primary source of energy, which it breaks down into glucose. But when you have a meal or snack that’s all carbs, especially simple carbs, the body is going to quickly convert it to glucose causing your blood sugar and energy to spike. The problem is you’ll quickly come back down and experience an energy crash.
But you can avoid this by pairing carbs with a protein and/or healthy fat source. The protein and fat slow down this conversion process and stabilize your energy levels. They also keep you fuller for longer, so don’t need as much to feel satisfied.
These nut butter energy balls are giving you complex carbs from the oatmeal, protein, and healthy fat from the nut butter chia seeds and flaxseeds, plus lots of fiber which also keeps you full. And on top of that, you're getting nutrients like iron, magnesium, manganese, vitamin e, vitamin a, vitamin b-6, omega-3 fatty acid, and more.
Why they’re so good!
They’re made with wholesome ingredients that you don’t have to feel guilty about, but still taste amazing!
There’s no refined sugar, so this snack won’t spike your blood sugar and cause you to crash later in the day.
They’re surprisingly filling because it has a balance of protein, complex carbs, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you satisfied.
They’re easy to make and can be customized based on what you have in your pantry.
Will satisfy your sweet tooth and cut down on sugar cravings.
It’s convenient and you can take it on the go.
I know you’re going to love these just as much as I do. And they taste way better and are much better for you than anything you could buy at the store.
Nut butter balls
1.5 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup nut butter of your choice, smooth (peanut, almond, cashew, etc.)
⅓ cup maple syrup
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
⅓ cup sugar-free chocolate chips
¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
½ tsp cinnamon
Combine nut butter and maple syrup in a large bowl and stir until fully mixed.
Add all other ingredients to the bowl, stir well until fully incorporated.
Cover your bowl and leave in the refrigerator for 30 min.
Remove from the fridge and form balls by scooping out and rolling with your hands (about 2 tbsp or 1-inch diameter).
Enjoy! Store in an air-tight container in the fridge.
I hope you give these a try. Happy snacking!
5 Reasons You Have Zero Energy
If I could wish for anything in the world, it would probably be more energy! Well, let’s be real, first I would wish for a billion dollars! But the second thing would be infinite energy. With it, I could be more productive, get more accomplished, have more time to do the things I love and spend with the people I care about.
Maybe you can relate to feeling like you could do so much more and be so much further along on your goals if only you had the energy to do it.
For me, feeling constantly tired and sluggish has been an ongoing struggle. I first recognized it as an issue way back in high school and since then I’ve seen many doctors over the years trying to get to the bottom of my consistently low energy levels. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any definitive answers. According to them, nothing was medically wrong.
So I pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it was something I’d have to live with (and compensate for with lots of coffee).
But after diving into the world of holistic health and experimenting on myself with various diet and lifestyle changes, I’ve found that there are many things that impact our energy levels that are within our control.
Of course, check with your doctor first to rule out factors like vitamin deficiencies or other conditions that cause fatigue (e.g. anemia or hypothyroidism).
But if everything checks out and you’re still feeling exhausted all of the time, then read on because one or more of the following could be the reason your energy levels aren’t where you think they should be.
1. Your sleep is off
Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way. If you’re not getting enough quality sleep where your body can fully rest and repair itself, then it’s no surprise that you’re tired. If you’re not getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep, then that should be your #1 priority.
I hear a lot of people online saying things like sleep is overrated and they’ll sleep when they’re dead. And I think that’s a really sad commentary on how much we as a society are obsessed with working and hustling at the expense of our health and wellbeing!
Sleep is extremely important. It’s essential not only for building the body back up so that it can perform physically and mentally every day. But a lack of sleep can lead to health issues like obesity, a weakened immune system, depression, and chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer (source).
But it’s not just about the amount. It’s also about the quality. For years I slept for well over 8 hours most nights, but would still wake up feeling exhausted and barely able to get out of bed. This was because my sleep wasn’t deep or restful. During deep sleep the body encodes new memories, detoxifies, and gets you ready for the next day.
If you have trouble falling asleep when you go to bed and wake up multiple times throughout the night your sleep quality is suffering. Here are some things that affect sleep quality and keep you tired even when you’re getting the right amount of rest.
- Screen time before bed (blue light from the screens of electronics like phones and laptops throw off the body’s natural circadian rhythm and keeps you feeling wide awake before bed)
- Napping during the day
- Inconsistent sleep schedule
- Heavy meals before bed
- Caffeine in the latter part of the day
- Alcohol
2. Your diet isn’t fueling you
Food is our main source of energy, so of course diet plays a major role in how energized we feel. We know the importance of having a balanced diet filled with whole grains, proteins, healthy fats, and lots of vegetables and fruits because it fuels us the most.
There’s so much to discuss when it comes to diet and it varies from person to person. Some people feel great on a plant-based diet. Others swear by paleo. It takes a little experimentation to find out what types of foods make you feel your best.
The goal is to stick with foods that fill you and give you sustained energy without weighing you down or making you feel sluggish. Start paying attention to what you eat currently and how you feel afterward.
You can’t go wrong with eating more real, whole foods that give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function and keep you alert. Iron is a particularly essential vitamin when it comes to energy and a lack of it will leave you feeling depleted. Include more iron-rich foods in your diet like beans, whole grains, nuts, leafy greens, and red meat. You could also consider taking an iron supplement (but check with your doctor first).
On the flip side, cut down on processed and sugary foods. Processed foods tend to contain high amounts of sugar as well as other chemicals (preservatives and artificial flavorings) that 1) don’t offer any nutritional value and 2) spike your blood sugar which, in the short term, will lead to an energy crash. In the long term, blood sugar spikes can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes, but that’s a whole nother issue! You want to keep your blood sugar stable because this will provide consistent energy instead of highs and lows throughout the day.
3. You’re Dehydrated
Our bodies are over 50% water. Pretty much every organ, including our brains, need water to function properly. It helps regulate body temperature, flush out waste, lubricate joints, and keeps muscles energized. If you find yourself tired all the time, take note of how much water you drink on a daily basis.
How much water is enough? It varies from person to person based on size, amount of physical activity, illness, and other factors. Some people go by the 8 cups a day rule. I have been following the half your body weight in ounces rule (eg. if you weigh 160 lbs, you would drink 80oz of water daily). And that’s been a game-changer for me.
What’s helped me get into the habit of drinking enough water is having my water bottle with me at all times, setting a goal to drink at least 3 full bottles and tracking how much I drink (there are many apps that do this or you can write it down in a journal), and flavoring my water with lemon and other fruits and herbs.
Wondering if you’re getting enough water? Aside from fatigue, these are some other signs of dehydration you might be experiencing:
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Headaches
- Darker colored urine
- Dry mouth
- Extreme thirst
4. Your exercise routine isn’t working for you
There were times when I didn’t exercise at all and felt constantly tired. There were times when I was in the gym 5-6 days a week and felt constantly tired. It took some time for me to find the sweet spot where my exercise routine was energizing me rather than completely wiping me out.
Many studies have shown the benefits of regular exercise for boosting mood, energy and sleep quality. But one, in particular, conducted by the University of Georgia found that students who did light, 20-minute exercises 3 times a week experienced major improvements in their daily energy levels and fatigue after 6 weeks. And this was even greater than the alternate group that did more intense workouts.
This highlights the value of adding some kind of movement practice to your weekly routine. And the good news is it doesn’t have to be extremely intense. In fact, short bursts of exercise have been shown to be even more effective for waking up the body and mind than extended, rigorous workout sessions.
5. You’re drinking too much caffeine
In moderation caffeine does give you that boost you need in a pinch. It provides a short burst of energy by kicking the nervous system into overdrive and releasing feel-good hormones that improve mood, concentration, and productivity. But over time, caffeine can overstimulate your adrenals and lead to exhaustion.
I used to be a HUGE coffee drinker! I had multiple cups a day and pretty much relied on it to get through the day. I now know for sure that it was contributing to my ongoing fatigue.
The problem with caffeine is that it’s easy to build up a tolerance to it, needing more and more to have the same effects. Your body does start to rely on it and your natural energy levels are altered because your body no longer needs to produce its own energy.
And when you start having coffee later in the day (even up to 6 hours before bed) it impacts your sleep. It becomes harder for your body to relax and wind down before bed and can throw off your biological clock. You start to naturally fall asleep later and take longer to go into a deep sleep, which is the most reparative time for your body.
Bonus! 6. You’re mentally and emotionally drained
Physical concerns like diet, hydration, movement, and sleep are an important first place to look to address low energy and fatigue. But sometimes there is a mental component to it as well. And I can definitely speak from experience on this. When you’re feeling unmotivated, unhappy, or generally unexcited by life, it affects how you feel physically--it’s draining.
The mind-body connection is real! Your body takes cues from your thoughts and feelings and responds accordingly.
Have you ever noticed that it takes so much longer and requires so much more effort to do the things we don’t like? While the things we enjoy seem effortless and time just flies.
In life, obviously you can’t always do what you want when you want. But constantly doing work you hate, feeling bored, or lacking inspiration eats away at your energy reserves. Having something to look forward to--whether that’s a promotion, a business, a hobby, or a trip--helps to perk you up. It also gives you the motivation to work on the physical causes of fatigue that we discussed above.
Stress is another energy destroyer. When you're stressed, your body enters fight or flight mode. Your energy is literally taken and distributed to only the essential areas, leaving little left over for your day to day activities. Feelings of fear, worry, and anxiousness can all trigger this stress response and leave you feeling mentally and physically exhausted.
In today’s busy, constantly-on-the-go world, we need all the energy we can get! If you struggle with low energy, I know just how frustrating it can be. But there is a reason for it and there’s something you can do about it. When you find your energy levels shrinking, look to your sleep, diet and water, exercise, caffeine consumption, and mental/emotional state. Addressing these will do wonders for your energy and your overall health.
Do you feel tired all the time? What has helped you the most to increase your energy levels? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
Why You're Breathing Wrong and How to Get it Right
Breathing is something we rarely have to think about. Our bodies do a good job of handling that for us.
But what if I told you that you were doing it all wrong!
According to breath expert, Dr. Belisa Vranich, nine out of ten adults are not breathing correctly. That is, the way we are anatomically designed to breathe for full oxygen consumption. And over time this improper breathing can impact our health and wellbeing.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty of breathing incorrectly. But the good news is that you can easily learn how to breathe the right way.
In this post, you’ll find out if you too are guilty of breathing incorrectly (and I’m 90% sure are), as well as why and how to change it.
Vertical vs. Horizontal Breathing
First, let’s find out what kind of breather you are. For a moment I want you to observe your breathing. Sitting up straight, take a few deep breaths. Notice where you feel the most movement. Is it your upper chest and shoulders that rise and fall as you inhale and exhale? If so, you’re in good company as this is how most of us breathe.
This is called vertical, or upper body breathing, and unfortunately, this is the wrong way to breathe. Sorry to break it to you!
On the other hand, if you feel your belly expand and contract while your chest and shoulders remain mostly still, congrats! You are a horizontal breather and you’re doing it right.
Now, you’re probably thinking: how can there be a right and a wrong way to breathe?? Especially since breathing is something that, for the most part, we’re not involved in. The body handles it without much thought from us.
The difference between these two ways of breathing is that one is the way we were anatomically designed to breathe and the other is how we’ve learned to breathe over time.
If you look at the way a baby breathes or even your pet, you’ll notice that it’s their stomach that moves up and down, not their chest and shoulders, when they are breathing. This is the way we are made to breathe. We’re born breathing this way, but something happens along the way that causes a change in our breathing habits.
But this change isn’t our fault. Our modern lifestyle has made it extremely difficult to maintain horizontal breathing. The shift from horizontal to vertical breathing generally happens between the ages of 5 to 10 and there are a few factors that contribute to this.
- Developing poor posture - sitting all day in school, hunching over a desk, and lugging heavy backpacks all have an impact on posture, which in turn affects the way that you breathe.
- Restricted stomach movement - you can’t breathe with your belly if it’s unable to move. Self consciously sucking in the stomach, wearing tight clothes, or even clenching your abs to in hopes of building core muscles all make horizontal breathing impossible. The air remains in the upper chest because it has nowhere else to go.
- Stress and anxiety - when you’re under stress one way the body reacts by speeding up your breathing with short, shallow breaths that only reach the upper lungs. Over time, this becomes a habit and leads to vertical breathing.
The Problem with Vertical Breathing
Ok, now you’re probably thinking: well I’ve been breathing this way for pretty much my entire life and I’ve been getting along just fine. What’s the big deal? Why change now?
Although it’s not a matter of life and death, there are many problems with vertical breathing to consider.
First, if you suffer from a lot of shoulder and neck pain that just won’t go away, your vertical breathing is likely contributing to your discomfort. Vertical breathing puts unnecessary strain on the shoulders and neck from overuse.
These muscles weren’t designed to be used in the breathing process. We have another muscle that is pretty much dedicated to this process which we will talk about in a few. But instead, your shoulders and neck are constantly in motion and over years or decades this can lead to a lot of pain and discomfort. This paired with our sedentary lifestyle of sitting at a desk all day is a bad combination.
Also keep in mind that the biggest, most oxygen-rich part of your lungs is the lower section toward the bottom of the rib cage. When you breathe vertically, you only use the top part of your lungs and this significantly reduces the amount of oxygen you can take in. You’re forced to take shorter, more frequent breaths to try to get the necessary amount of air.
Remember, the body needs oxygen to function. It’s needed for cell regeneration, energy production, immunity, and more. So getting enough air is a pretty big deal.
Not only this, vertical breathing actually puts stress on the body. When you are taking these short, shallow breaths, the brain gets a message from the vagus nerve and interprets this as a sign of stress.
This activates a series of reactions, switching on the sympathetic nervous system, sending out stress hormones, and putting the body in fight or flight mode. This happens even if you’re not experiencing any stress on the outside. When the body is constantly in the middle of this stress response, it creates a host of other issues like digestive disorders, sleep disturbance, weight fluctuations, and even chronic illness.
Want to learn more about the impact of stress on the body? Check out my detailed blog post on this topic. You can find that here!
Horizontal or Diaphragmatic Breathing
Like I mentioned earlier, horizontal breathing involves your stomach expanding and relaxing as you inhale and exhale.
This type of breathing has various names. You may hear it referred to as abdominal or belly breathing. But it’s most commonly known as diaphragmatic breathing because of the involvement of the diaphragm, a key muscle in the breathing process.
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle right under the lungs. When we breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and moves downward, allowing the lungs to fully expand. This downward motion into the abdominal region is what causes the stomach to expand as well.
Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Stress reliever - allows the body to relax and turn off the stress response, calming the body and mind and lowering the risk of stress-related conditions.
- Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
- Provides ample oxygen to support cell functioning
- Relieves pain
- Helps to improves posture
How to Breath Diaphragmatically
For most of us, diaphragmatic breathing doesn’t come naturally. It’s something that we have to relearn and practice. To try diaphragmatic breathing follow the steps below:
- Lay flat on your back with your knees bent.
- Place one hand on your upper chest near your heart and the other hand on your belly right below your rib cage.
- Breathe deeply in through your nose and imaging carrying the breath into your lower belly. You may have to force your abdomen to expand at first as you get used to this way of breathing. You should feel the hand on your stomach rise on the inhale, while the hand on your chest remains relatively still.
- Breathe out (through either nose or mouth), begin to tighten your abdominal muscles, and let your stomach sink back to its original position. You should feel your belly hand lowering and again your chest remains relatively still.
This will take some getting used to. I once did this exercise with a client and she commented that it felt bizarre! But that just shows how out of touch we are with our natural breathing process.
If you are having difficulty with getting the rhythm of the stomach movement and the breath, one thing you can try is breathing out first. Get rid of all the air and you will feel your stomach sink in. Breathe in after and you will feel your stomach fill with air and rise. That is the motion that you want to replicate.
Of course, you can also practice diaphragmatic breathing when upright and seated. But it is easier starting out to feel movement laying down.
Practice Makes Perfect
We’ve been breathing with our chests for so long, it’s not something we can just switch off. Diaphragmatic breathing is something that will take some practice. You can also use it as a relaxation tool, specifically when you are feeling anxious or stressed to help your body and mind calm down.
I practice diaphragmatic breathing whenever I remember! These are some key time that I try to focus on it throughout the day:
- Anytime I’m feeling stressed or anxious
- During meditation
- While eating (relaxation helps with digestion)
- Before going to sleep
You can also incorporate restorative breathing practices into your routine such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, and other forms of breathwork. These will encourage your body to get into the habit of breathing deeply and diaphragmatically.
Even though it’s not something we think about often, breathing is critical and more complex than we realize. Breathing gives us the oxygen we need for survival, but also, when done correctly, serves as a useful tool for regulating our wellness.
It takes some practice to breathe diaphragmatically, but even just incorporating it a few times throughout the day will have major benefits on your body and mind. Give it try!
How Stress Works and Why It's So Bad for Your Health
We all know too much stress is bad for us, but do you know why?For a long time, I was skeptical about the effect of stress on my overall health and wellness. It just didn’t make sense to me that what I thought was a feeling—a mental or emotional reaction—could affect me physically.
Stress is pretty serious business. Not only is it an unpleasant experience that I’m sure we all wish we could avoid. But chronic stress is considered a risk factor for illnesses including cancer, heart disease, obesity and even premature death. Many are calling it the “silent killer.” That’s a little scary, wouldn’t you say?
We all know too much stress is bad for us, but do you know why?
For a long time, I was skeptical about the effect of stress on my overall health and wellness. It just didn’t make sense to me that what I thought was a feeling—a mental or emotional reaction—could affect me physically.
Psychologically, yes. It makes perfect sense that high levels of stress would lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. But how could other things like IBS or acne be explained by stress? Or even more serious chronic diseases?
It wasn’t until I learned how stress actually works in the body on a physiological level that things clicked. I finally saw all the ways stress was affecting me mentally, emotionally, AND physically. And once I got it, I realized I needed to take it seriously and address my chronically-high stress levels.
In this post I’m going to break down what happens in your body when it’s under stress and why it is likely affecting you more than you think.
What is Stress?
Simply put, stress is the body's response to challenges that it may face. And these challenges, or stressors, come in many forms.
But stress is also a hardwired physical response and survival technique built into the body to protect you from harm. When experiencing stress, many chemical and biological processes occur that mobilize you to spring into action and avoid danger.
Back in the day, our ancestors relied on this stress-response to survive in the face of physical dangers. Back then, stress was encountering a bear in the forest. In contrast, our modern-day stressors look very different. They come in the form of:
- Work anxiety
- Health concerns
- Financial difficulties
- Pending deadlines
- Never-ending to-do lists
- Demanding social life
- Relationships
- Family conflicts
- (Social) media
- Pressure to achieve
- And so much more!
Unfortunately, the body doesn’t know the difference between being chased by a wild animal and a stressful job. It considers both to be a threat and responds in the same way.
Types of Stress
It’s important to note that not all stress is harmful. Some stress is completely normal. I mean, it’s impossible to avoid all stress completely. Stress can even be beneficial at times, pushing you to work harder or step outside your comfort zone or even conquer a fear.
This type of stress falls into the category of acute stress. This is momentary or short-term stress that is usually triggered by something specific like starting a new job or buying a home. It has a beginning and an end. This is the type of stress that we are biologically equipped to manage.
On the other hand, long-term stress that is experienced over a prolonged period is called chronic stress. This could look like constant worry over money or an unhappy relationship. It’s problematic because it keeps the body on high alert. Your system is constantly flooded with stress hormones and your body is unable to rest. Over time, chronic stress will affect your physical and mental health.
The Stress Response
Let’s get into how stress actually works in the body.
When we perceive something as a stressor, the body is way ahead of us and kicks into action. The stress response starts in the brain and eventually makes its way through the entire body via the nervous system.
Stress and the Nervous System
A little background: the nervous system is comprised of your brain, spinal cord and nerves that extend to different organs and body parts. It’s made up of various systems that control everything from your thought processes and movements, to the everyday functioning of our cells and organs. It’s very extensive and complex.
But when talking about stress, the main player is the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls all involuntary responses. That is, the things that our bodies do without us thinking about it--heart beating, fingernails growing, healing from cuts or injuries, for example. But also, our response to stress.
The ANS has two branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) - "Red Zone"
- The body enters fight, flight, or freeze mode
- Prepares the body for action
- Involved in the stress response
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) - "Green Zone"
- The body can rest, digest, repair, and reproduce (cells)
- Calms the body
- Energy is conserved
When the SNS is activated, the body believes it is in danger, this is the red zone. Alternatively, when the body believes it is safe and secure, the PNS is activated allowing the body to rest and recover, this is the green zone.

We need both the SNS and PNS to keep us balanced. You can also think of the SNS as the body’s gas pedal and the PNS as the brakes.
The green zone is our home base, allowing the body to function properly. The red zone our emergency responder, that keeps us safe.
The problem is that with all the psychological stress we experience daily, so many of us are living in the red zone most, if not all of the time.
We’re constantly on high alert, ready to fight or flee and our bodies don’t get the opportunity to rest and repair. We’re basically living in survival mode and energy, oxygen, and nutrients are taken from the rest of our body to fight the perceived danger. Only this danger is not a bear in the woods, but an obnoxious boss or a lengthy to-do list.
Stress and the Body
When you experience stress, your body undergoes a physiological response that looks like this:
A stressor arises (e.g. a big presentation) and the stress response begins.
The brain perceives the stressor and activates the SNS (you’re now in the red zone). This triggers the adrenal glands to release the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which communicate to your cells that you are in danger. In response, many bodily changes occur to provide emergency fuel and energy to the most vital areas, preparing you for fight or flight.
Some of these physiological changes include:
- Increased heart rate, pushing blood to muscles, heart and other vital organs, and extremities (arms and legs)
- Increase in pulse and blood pressure
- Heavy breathing, airways in the lungs expand
- Extra oxygen is sent to the brain to increase alertness
- Sharpening of senses (sight-pupils dilated, hearing)
- Blood sugar (glucose) and fat released into the bloodstream to provide more energy
After the initial threat, the body wants to return to the green zone, where it can rest and recover and get back to its normal functioning (i.e. the processes that keep us healthy). However, when stress lasts for too long or is triggered too often, your body remains in the red zone.
Why is this a problem?
Well, in the red zone, when the body is focused on trying to save your life, all of its resources go toward the critical organs – the heart, lungs, brain and the limbs (in case you have to make a run for it). There is little left over for the rest of the body, making it a little difficult to maintain a healthy system.
On the other hand, when the body is in the green zone, it can focus on resting, digesting, repairing and reproducing. Many important bodily functions take place in this mode. You are able to properly digest your food, absorb and distribute nutrients to our cells. You can rest and heal, allowing you to fight infection and for your cells to grow and function optimally.
When we remain in the red zone, constantly on high alert, sending out stress hormones and prolonging the stress response, the result is chronic stress and, ultimately, burnout. Over time, the body builds up some resistance and tolerance to the ongoing stress and panic. But never fully returning to a state of rest takes a toll on your health.
In a state of constant stress, we are more likely to suffer from:
- Weakened immune system – reduced ability to fight and recover from illness
- Mood issues – anger, depression, lack of energy, and poor sleep quality
- Increased blood pressure and heart rate, higher cholesterol, and risk of heart attack
- Digestive issues – IBS, acid reflux, and nausea
- Weight gain due to increased fat storage and disrupted hunger cues
- Loss of libido and irregular menstrual cycles
- Muscle and joint pain
- Lower bone density
The Far-Reaching Effects of Stress
Hopefully, you can see that stress is certainly not just in our minds (as I once thought), but impacts our entire body – physically, mentally, and emotionally. I want to go a little more in detail on a few areas that are often affected by stress. If you are suffering from chronic stress, you may be experiencing these effects right now.
I'm sure you have experienced stress-related cravings. The desire to eat junk or comfort food when you're stressed out. This isn’t just an emotional coping method, but actually has to do with the body's need for glucose. When you’re under stress, the body wants to get you the most efficient, fast-burning fuel and that is glucose (sugars and carbs).
During the stress response our blood sugar goes up (as more glucose is made available in the blood) and our glucose reserves are depleted. The body begins to fear that it won't have enough glucose to fuel you in the future. And this is when the body starts to crave sweets and carbs to replenish the stores of glucose. So, cravings are not just emotional, but often biological.
Additionally, there is another option for fuel: fat. And this is the ideal fuel that we would like our bodies to utilizes. However, glucose is the faster burning source of energy. So, when you are constantly in the red zone, you are burning more glucose (instead of fat) and craving more sugary foods to replace it. When you are in the green zone, your body is better able to burn fat and use it as fuel. This gives some insight into why stress and weight gain tend to go hand in hand.
When you have constant low-level stress and your SNS is turned on, adrenaline remains in your bloodstream keeping you revved up. Remember, your body thinks that you are in danger and wants to keep you alert and awake. This is one of the reasons why people find it hard to fall asleep when under stress and insomnia is a common symptom of chronic stress.
You may fall asleep but because your body is still on high alert, your sleep is not restorative, and you wake up feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep. I know this problem all too well, feeling rested when I woke up despite getting plenty of sleep (often 10 hours or more) each night. This was especially eye-opening for me and prompted me to find strategies to calm my mind and body before bed.
Hair, Skin, and Nails
When the body perceives that you are in danger, its blood supply, oxygen, nutrients and energy are diverted to the most essential organs and processes that will save your life. Unfortunately, the health of your hair, skin, and nails is considered by the body to be non-essential processes. They are not going to make or break your survival and are often the last things to get the necessary attention. Therefore, stress can contribute to hair loss, skin disorders like acne, eczema and psoriasis, and brittle nails. The best way to get your hair, skin, and nails to thrive is to get your body back into the green zone.
Have you heard of the brain-gut connection? You experience it when you feel butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous or excited. So, it’s no surprise that our digestive system is impacted by stress. When we are in the red zone, the natural rhythmic contractions that move food through the gut are disturbed. Food moves slower through the digestive tract and affects the body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients.
This can lead to disorders like IBS, acid reflux and changes to gut bacteria. With all the new information we are learning about the impact of gut health on our overall health (affecting immunity, inflammation, mental health and more), it’s easy to see how stress can have a domino effect on our wellbeing.
How to Reduce Chronic Stress
Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but of course there are many things we can do to reduce the negative impact of stress in our lives and on our health.
The goal is to get out of the red zone (the constant fight or flight stress response) and back into the green zone where our parasympathetic nervous system can do its job – conserving energy, resting and replenishing.
Out of the Red Zone
To downshift the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and get out of the red zone, we basically need to calm down (DUH! you’re probably thinking)! I know this is much easier said than done. But if the body feels it is in danger, it will keep activating the SNS and the stress response will continue.
One thing we must do is shift our perspective of the pressures we face in our daily lives.
I have a friend that very rarely ever gets stressed. I’m the opposite and am prone to worrying over the smallest things. For her, when a potential challenge comes up, like a project deadline, it doesn’t faze her. She just doesn’t interpret it in a way that causes panic or stress. It’s a pretty amazing skill and one that we all need.
We have to work on reframing our thoughts about stress. Try to view stressful situations as challenges that you can control and master, rather than insurmountable threats. This will go a long way toward calming you down and reducing stress.
Another thing to consider is reducing caffeine. I know the coffee drinkers out there don’t want to hear this! I’m right there with you, I used to live on coffee too! But the problem with caffeine is that it increases adrenaline, the hormone that is released during the stress response. It keeps you revved up and energized, and it makes it harder to come back down and return to that state of rest and relaxation.
It can be hard to make the transition to drinking less caffeine, but experiment with it and see how you feel. Try drinking decaf coffee (or half decaf/half regular) or herbal teas as a replacement.
Into the Green Zone
This may sound unbelievable, but the best way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and return to the green zone is through breathing. Specifically, diaphragmatic breathing.
Diaphragmatic breathing, also called belly breathing or deep breathing, is a technique that engages the diaphragm and involves long, slow exhalation. You know that you are breathing from your diaphragm when your stomach moves up and down as you breathe in and out. This type of breathing actives the PNS by communicating to the body via the nervous system that it is safe.
For most people, this type of breathing doesn’t come naturally because we’re used to the short, shallow breathing from the chest that results from stress. It’s important to incorporate diaphragmatic breathing whenever you can to remind the body that it can relax. You can set a daily reminder or incorporate restorative, breath-focused practices into your routine, like yoga, tai chi, meditation and other forms of breathwork.
Get Your Nutrients
Keeping the body nourished with the vitamins and minerals it needs to regulate the nervous system and the stress response is important. Essential nutrients help regulate stress hormones that signal either danger or safety, neurotransmitters that allow for communication across the body, and the nervous system as a whole. Some of the key nutrients to include in your diet are B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.
Many herbs and adaptogens have also been promoted as effective stress relievers. Some of the most commonly used natural supplements for stress reduction are ashwagandha, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, and holy basil, among many others.
Even though we tend to downplay it, stress has become a serious problem. Especially in our culture where we’re constantly busy and on the go. In the past, stress looked like a wild animal in the woods, but today’s stress has taken on a new form. It’s more psychological in nature and can be hard to escape. As a result, our bodies are constantly in fight or flight mode, responding to these daily stressors, with little opportunity for rest or recovery. This not only takes a toll on our mind, but our body as well. It leads to poor health outcomes like a weakened immune system and can potentially lead to chronic illness.
Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to calm our bodies and minds and get out of the red zone and into the green zone, where the body can do what it needs to do to keep us healthy.
So tell me, are you living in the red zone? How has stress been affecting you? Let me know by leaving a comment below!
- Stress and the Body, Integrative Nutrition, Inc, 2018
Healing Ginger Turmeric Tea Recipe
One of favorite ways to start my morning is with a cup of ginger turmeric tea. The combination of these two powerful herbs makes for an incredible immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, gut healing drink.
It’s so interesting how our taste buds change over time! Growing up I despised ginger-- could not stand it! I guess you could say I was a bit of a picky eater, and much to my chagrin, my mom would put ginger in everything (Jamaicans love them some ginger)! Salad dressing, stews, desserts, so many places where, in my opinion, it just did not belong.
And I’m not talking about a dash of ground ginger. It was the real stuff. We always had fresh ginger root stocked in the freezer.
Not only was ginger used as a flavorful spice, at my house it was also used for medicinal purposes. Ginger tea was the first line of defense against almost all digestive issues.
Stomach ache? Have some ginger tea.
Nausea? Ginger tea.
Gas? You guessed it, ginger tea was the answer.
Back then I would’ve much preferred to just pop an antacid. However, I’ve really changed my mindset when it comes to popping pills. There really is something to be said about natural remedies--getting back to our roots and using nature’s medicine whenever possible.
Today, I have to admit, I looove ginger and I too have bags of ginger stored in my freezer.
Ginger tea is no longer reserved for the occasional stomach ache, but is something I enjoy regularly. One of favorite ways to start my morning is with a cup of ginger turmeric tea. The combination of these two powerful herbs makes for an incredible immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, gut healing drink.
Both ginger and turmeric have a host of healing benefits, which is why I love starting my day with this tea. Plus, it soothes my stomach almost instantly and tastes amazing. The earthiness of the turmeric, the sweetness of the honey and the zing from the ginger all come together in an amazing way. It’s a must try!
Health Benefits of Ginger Turmeric Tea
Here are just a few of the health benefits this tea has to offer:
ginger root
The medicinal properties of ginger have long been recognized by cultures across the world and used as an herbal remedy to alleviate different types of pain. Its benefits are far reaching, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and therapeutic compounds. Ginger fights against infection (bacterial and fungal), regulates blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol.
As you might expect, ginger is an excellent pain-reliever, helping to reduce joint and muscle pain, menstrual pain and headaches. Ginger supports gut health by promoting proper digestion. It has been shown to improve cognitive function and attention. Ginger may also contain anti-cancer properties. One particularly compound, 6-gingerol, has been shown to block the growth of cancer cells.
fresh turmeric root
Argued to be the best herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease, the powerful health benefits of turmeric can not be denied. Like ginger, turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin which gives turmeric it’s superfood status. In fact, turmeric is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory compounds available today. Studies show that these compounds help to treat and possibly prevent cancer.
Additionally, antioxidants in turmeric help to improve skin health (conditions like acne and psoriasis) and liver functioning by helping to detoxify the body. Turmeric also supports a healthy gut by reducing symptoms of IBS, specifically ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease. Turmeric even combats obesity by reducing the growth of fat cell.
Black Pepper
Black pepper is a popular seasoning, but it actually has many health benefits that you may not be aware of. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It’s also anti-inflammatory. Another healthy attribute of black pepper is that it enhances the body’s absorption of other nutrients. Peperine, a compound found in black pepper, boosts the absorption of curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) by an estimated 2000%. Combining the two drastically increases the health benefits.
Raw Honey
You can use any sweetener you like or none at all. Raw honey is my sweetener of choice because it offers some health benefits that you won’t find in other refined sweeteners. Like ginger and turmeric, raw honey contains antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals, as well as phytonutrients that provide immune-boosting properties. Raw honey also kills bacteria and fungus that cause infection. It’s a prebiotic, feeding good gut bacteria and balancing the gut microbiome. Studies show that raw honey can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.
Where To Find Fresh Ginger and Turmeric
For this recipe I use fresh ginger and turmeric root. You can substitute and use the ground powder for each of these. However, I’ve found that turmeric especially does not dissolve well in water, but it’s definitely doable.
If you’re wondering where to find fresh ginger and turmeric, many grocery stores have them available in the produce section. Ginger is usually pretty easy to find. Turmeric can be a little more tricky, depending on your location. You can try your local farmers market as they tend to have more exotic options. Also Whole Foods often has turmeric available. If all else fails, you can buy your turmeric online. Amazon has turmeric root available and it can be shipped right to you.
If at all possible, try to get the fresh stuff. I find it tastes so much better and richer that way. You can safely store ginger and turmeric in your freezer for months at time.
Ginger Turmeric Tea
3 cups water
1 TBS ginger, grated
1 Tbs turmeric, grated
¼ tsp black pepper
Raw honey to taste (or sweetener of your choice)
Optional Additions
1 Cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon
Mint Leaves
Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
Once water is boiling, add all ingredients excluding sweetener and reduce heat to a low simmer.
Steep for 10-15 minutes (for stronger tea, steep for longer).
Strain and serve. Add honey to sweeten to your taste.
I love this recipe and also enjoy it as a base to many other herbal teas when I want to change it up. Once your tea is brewed you can easily add another teabag of your choice to your cup for an additional level of flavor.
Ginger turmeric tea is healthy, healing, and delicious. It’s a wonderful addition to any morning routine. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!
If you’ve tried this recipe (or plan to), I’d love to hear you what you think!
Leave me a comment telling me how you enjoyed this ginger turmeric tea!
Update: 6 Weeks Drinking Celery Juice
People are still talking about celery juice! What many thought would be a passing fad is still going strong. A few weeks ago I decided to try celery juice for myself to see if it was really worth the hype. And today I’m back with my celery juice update.
People are still talking about celery juice! What many thought would be a passing fad is still going strong. Just type in #celeryjuice on Instagram to see the hundreds (maybe thousands) of people drinking celery juice everyday and experiencing miraculous health improvement.
A few weeks ago I decided to try celery juice for myself to see if it was really worth the hype. I wrote a post all about it: the origins of this health fad, the benefits, how to make it and my own experience drinking celery juice for two weeks. Check out that post here!
Today I’m back with my celery juice update.
For a total of six weeks I drank celery juice every morning on an empty stomach, just as Anthony William (the Medical Medium), creator of the celery juice challenge recommends. I was fully committed to the process and even got a new juicer. I was really hopeful that I’d see some amazing results like those I was reading about online.
Overall, my results were...mixed. Did I experience a health breakthrough? Not really. Did I see any positive results? Yes, definitely!
Will I continue drinking celery juice? Well…
My Experience
I know many people are skeptical about the idea of drinking celery juice and question how beneficial it really is. There’s a lot of debate because there isn’t concrete scientific evidence to prove that it works in transformational ways. The evidence is mostly anecdotal (though pretty compelling from what I’ve read). Not to mention, it’s promoted by a guy who calls himself the “Medical Medium,” and says he gets his knowledge from a spirit guide.
Despite all of this, I kept a pretty open mind because I do believe that conventional medicine doesn’t always get it right when it comes to healing and addressing the root cause of illnesses. Natural remedies and diet changes can do a lot to support health and aid in recovery.
I also read William’s recent book, Liver Rescue, which I found really, really interesting. It gives a completely new perspective on the underlying cause of various illnesses. it also gave me a bit more background information on celery juice and its effect on the body. I give a brief summary of this in my previous post.
So over the last six weeks, I faithfully drank my celery juice every morning and tracked how I felt along with any physical changes I experienced.
Overall, I really enjoyed it! It became such an important part of my routine. This was more mental than physical, but I felt great drinking something that was completely natural and healthy, compared to a fattening coffee or sugary tea. It took some time and effort, but allowed me to prioritize my wellbeing a little everyday. It was like a form of self-care.
Here’s what else I noticed:
Many reported feeling super energized after drinking their daily celery juice. For me, I did experience a bit more energy. I had recently weaned myself off coffee prior to starting celery juice and it became a nice replacement for my morning joe. I wouldn’t say my energy was through the roof, but it was a nice pick-me-up in the morning.
Drinking celery juice had a major impact on my digestion. I noticed this almost instantly and wrote about it in my previous post. Bare with me here, this is a little TMI! I suffer from mild IBS with symptoms like bloating, gas, upset stomach and constipation. While drinking celery juice, and even after, it really cut down on these symptoms. It seemed to really soothe my stomach after drinking and cut down on stomach discomfort throughout the day.
Prior to drinking celery juice my bathroom trips were pretty infrequent, which isn’t the healthiest. It means your body isn’t eliminating waste, which can cause toxins to build up in your system. And this can lead to increased inflammation and other more unpleasant side effects that can negatively affect your health.
Celery juice completely changed my...bathroom experience. I went from going every few days to one or more times a day, which is pretty drastic. I felt much better-- less bloated and uncomfortable on a regular basis. In that way, celery juice had a positive impact on my gut health.
Skin Conditions
My primary reason for trying celery juice was to improve my skin, specifically acne and eczema. I’ve suffered from eczema consistently for over a year and more recently have experienced an onset of acne, since going off birth control. Many of the celery juice success stories involved healing chronic skin conditions and I was hoping for similar results.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see a substantial change in my acne or eczema. I know six weeks isn’t an extremely long amount of time, likely not enough to see drastic improvements. However, I do think it’s enough time to start seeing some changes. But I really didn’t see any obvious changes in my skin.
My eczema remained the same, with minor flare ups every week or two. My acne, on the other hand, actually got worse. I was experiencing more frequent breakouts and pimples were popping up on new areas of my face where I didn’t normally break out.
At the time I thought this could be a detox effect and tried to push through. But it just seem to be getting worse and worse. It’s possible that celery juice was helping to rid my body of toxins and they were escaping through the skin. It’s also possible that if I kept with celery juice things would have improved like it did for many celery juice advocates.
But after six weeks I decided to stop drinking celery juice.
Why I Stopped Drinking Celery Juice
Like I said, I actually enjoyed drinking celery juice. It was fully a part of my routine after six weeks and I had no intentions of stopping. Then something changed that made it really hard to continue.
The main reason that I stopped drinking celery juice is because of how hard it was to find celery!! The struggle to find good celery is real! It seems like literally everyone is drinking celery juice these days, which is great, but the stores can’t keep up. At least not in my area.
At first I was buying my celery from Costco, which was organic and a great price. Then, out of nowhere, they ran out and almost a month later still haven’t restocked (I called weekly to check!). I tried Whole Foods, which also ran out shortly after and hasn’t had organic celery for over two weeks.
I’ve tried many other supermarkets and had mixed results. I learned that not all celery is created equal. Sometimes you will get a bad batch (organic or conventional) and it can taste HORRIBLE. Toward the end of my six months, I seemed to be getting more bad than good.
So many times I went through the whole process of washing the celery, juicing the celery, cleaning the juicer (about 15-20 min), only to take a sip of undrinkable celery juice. It had a bitter, almost metallic taste that just didn’t seem like it could possibly be healthy. I like to think of myself as something of a celery juice connoisseur at this point (lol!), so I know what celery juice is supposed to taste like. And that was not it!
This kept happening and I felt like I was wasting time and money. Basically throwing away bunches of celery, that cost anywhere from $2 - $4. It was also getting to be stressful--I never knew how the juice would come out and didn’t always have time to go through the entire process all over again. I had no way of knowing what celery to buy or if the juice would even be drinkable until I tasted it, even if it was organic.
This, along with a few other issues made it hard to sustain:
- Time commitment - finding the celery, making the celery juice every morning (can’t really be made in advance),
- Cost of celery - about $2-4 a day (sometimes more) to make 16oz of juice,
- Skin results- didn’t see any change in my eczema and acne seemed to get worse.
Final Thoughts
Even though I’m no longer drinking celery juice on a daily basis, I don't have anything negative to say. It did wonders for my digestion and even though it didn’t give me the results I was hoping for with my skin, I still experienced some physical and mental benefits.
It’s definitely something worth trying depending on your health goals, schedule, budget, and access to celery.
I’m not completely done with celery juice yet. I plan to incorporate it in my diet every now and then when I can, but not everyday. At least not until the stores can keep up with the demand for good quality celery.
Have you tried celery juice? What was your experience?