10 Tips for Starting a Workout Routine and Sticking to It
Raise your hand if you made a resolution to get fit this year? Raise your hand if you fell off the wagon a bit since January 1st?
Me too! It can be really challenging to start a new workout routine. And once you start it’s even harder to stick with it and make it a long-term habit.
But once you get over the hump and really settle into a consistent workout routine, you’ll feel amazing! Working out is truly a life changing practice that can positively affect every aspect of life--physical, mental, and emotional. Whenever I workout, my mood is instantly lifted and I feel ready to take on the world. That’s a feeling everyone should experience!
Spring is upon us and it’s absolutely not too late to get back on the wagon and start working out. If you’ve never really worked out before or have been on a little hiatus, now is the time to get your fitness journey started.
Get back on track to achieving your fitness goals with these 10 tips for starting a workout routine and sticking to it.
1. Find Your Why
Working is as much mental as it is physical. That’s why it’s so important to identify your why. Why do you want to work out in the first place? Is it to feel more confident? To feel stronger? To have more energy? To get healthier? To compete?
Once you’ve found your reason, dig deeper. You want to be healthier...why? You want to lose weight...why? Drill down as far as you can to find that driving force that will sustain you through tough workouts and on days when you don’t want to get up off the couch. Everyone’s why is going to be different, and it may change overtime. Once you find yours write it down, post it where you can see it and use it as a daily motivator.
2. Love Yourself Now
When we start working out we usually have an end in mind. But don’t get so caught up on the end goal that you forget to be kind and gentle to yourself throughout the process. We say things like “I’ll be so much happier when I…” Lose the weight, have a six pack, can fit into my old jeans, fill in the blank.
Change this mindset! Think of working out as an act of self-care, something you do for you. It’s prioritizing yourself, your health and your overall wellbeing. Don’t make your self-love conditional, or based on you achieving that set goal you have in mind. This type of motivation doesn’t last especially when results aren’t coming as fast as you expected. No matter where you’re starting, your size, your shape, or your ability, focus on loving yourself and enjoying the journey.
3. Set Short Term Goals
Sometimes getting to our ideal fitness level can seem like an impossible task. Setting goals is extremely important for almost anything you want to accomplish in life. But focusing on long term fitness goals like running a marathon or losing 50 lbs is overwhelming. Instead, set small, achievable goals that will keep you motivated and show off your progress. They should be measurable (something that you can track), relevant and attainable.
Here are a few examples:
- Work out 3 days a week for 30 minutes.
- Run a mile without stopping.
- Lose one inch from your waist.
Consider where you are currently in your fitness journey and where you want to be. Achieving your smaller goals will encourage you to keeping going and get you closer to your bigger goals in a much more manageable way.
4. Start Slow
If you’re just starting out or getting back into the swing of things, please don’t try to push yourself to the limit on the first day. Not only can this cause an injury, but you’ll burnout quickly. I’m guilty of starting out a little too ambitious, getting injured and having to recover for days or even weeks. It’s much harder to bounce back and you don’t want to get discouraged before you’ve even begun. Slow and steady really does win the race!
This goes hand in hand with setting attainable goals. In the beginning your priority is to make your workouts sustainable so that it becomes a lifelong habit. There’s nothing wrong with challenging yourself, but don’t over do it. Be gentle with yourself. You know what you can manage. Start small and work your way up by gradually increasing intensity and time.
5. Set Your Own Schedule
One of the most important ways to make working out a habit is to create a manageable schedule and stay consistent. Most people are not able to devote 7 days a week to working out. (That’s really not healthy anyway!) Your schedule is going to depend on your lifestyle, how much time you have to devote, and when. It also depends on your goals. If you’re looking to see major results, one day a week isn’t gonna cut it. The more time you spend exercising the faster you’ll start seeing results.
If you can only workout once or twice during the week, plan to go hard on the weekend. Spend extra time on the days you have it to spare. If you can only get a few moments of free time throughout the day, do shorter sessions but more of them. Create a schedule that you can commit to and make it a priority.
6. Choose a Workout You Love
If you want to make fitness a habit you have to find an activity you enjoy! Something that gets you excited and makes you forget that you’re actually exercising. When it comes to working out there’s literally something for everyone:
Running, weight lifting, crossfit, yoga, swimming, kickboxing, pilates, cycling, dance, HIIT, bootcamp classes, sports teams, at- home workouts, hiking, and more.
Nowadays there’s so many options for you to choose from. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Sites like Groupon and Living Social are great for exploring different types of workouts at a discount. And many gyms and studios have introductory rates that allow you to get your feet wet without fully committing. And guess what...you don’t have to choose just one! Keep your workouts fresh by rotating different types of workouts. This will keep you going and prevent boredom and burnout. Right now I do a combination of weight lifting, yoga, and Body Combat classes. I love having different options to choose from depending on my mood.
7. Have a Few At-Home Workout Options
It's always nice to get out to the gym or yoga studio, but it’s also nice to have the option to get a quick workout in at home. Let’s be honest, sometimes you just don’t feel like leaving the house. Am I right? Nothing wrong with that, but instead of letting this throw off your schedule, have some at home exercise options ready for these occasions. No more excuses!
Investing in some small workout equipment like dumbbells or resistance bands or even a yoga mat will allow you to get a great workout from your living room. Youtube has a huge selection of free workout videos that you can do from anywhere--at home, on a trip, etc. No matter what kind of workout you’re into, you’ll find it there. You can check out my list of the best free yoga Youtube channels here!
8. Forget the Scale
I used to be obsessed with the scale, nervously weighing myself every morning hoping for a certain number. Now I only step on the scale a few times a year. Why? Because a scale isn’t always the best way to measure your fitness progress.
One thing to keep in mind is that muscle weighs more than fat. So as you start working out your body is both losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. Because of this your weight may not change drastically, especially over a short period of time. Seeing that may be discouraging. But that doesn’t mean your body isn’t changing for the better. The scale doesn’t tell you things like body fat percentage, muscle mass, strength, stamina, and other important measures of physical fitness.
I know that losing weight is the goal for many. Instead of weighing yourself everyday and seeing small fluctuations, try limiting to once a week or every two weeks. Then you’ll have a better idea of the progress you’ve made. Another way to track your improvements is by taking measurements and monitoring your inches. Or take a full body picture once a months and see how your body is changing overtime.
9. Don’t Go It Alone
Share your goals and progress with the people around you. Or even better, find yourself a workout partner. A recent study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that exercising with a partner improves weight-loss results. Having someone else to workout with is a really effective way to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable.
Attending a group fitness class or going to a fitness-related Meetup is also a fun way to socialize with like-minded people. You can't help but feed off the energy and camaraderie of group classes and they’re great for making new friends.
10. Be Patient
We all love instant gratification. Unfortunately, it takes time to see the transformation. But being healthy and feeling good is so worth the time and effort you put in. Enjoy the journey and celebrate the small wins along the way. Focus more on physical changes than visual changes. Instead of looking for that six-pack in the mirror, acknowledge how much stronger your core is and how many more crunches you can do now compared to when you started. Be patient and don’t give up. If you stay focused, consistent, and put in the work, you’ll see results.
Working out doesn’t have to be scary or hard or even boring. Once you get started it can actually be, dear I say, fun! It’s a great way to relieve stress, get healthier, and feel amazing all at the same time. I hope you found these tips helpful and are ready to get out there and start your workout routine.
What has helped you develop a consistent workout routine?
5 Awesome Yoga Youtube Channels for Free Yoga Workouts
Yoga is finally getting its time to shine. I remember years ago thinking of yoga as merely a post-workout stretch. Boy was I wrong! Not only is yoga a legit WORKOUT, it does wonders for your mood and mental state.
I was first introduced to yoga back in my freshman year of college by my roommate. We used to squeeze our yoga mats into the tiny floor space in our dorm room and she would lead us in some intense power yoga sessions. It was cardio, it was strength training, it was balance, it was focus. I really fell in love with the practice and it’s something I always come back to.
Now a days, there’s so many different types of yoga that you can explore, each with its own techniques and benefits. I personally love vinyasa and hot yoga. But I’m interested in trying kundalini yoga soon!
Luckily, I don't have to search for a studio to do this! Did you know you can find almost any type of yoga class online for free and enjoy the physical and mental benefits from comfort of your home?
Don't get me wrong, yoga studios are great when you want that class vibe and specialized attention. But they can get pretty pricey, and, especially in the winter months, it’s so hard to brave the cold and make it to class (at least for me!).
Gone are the days of relying on in-person classes to start practicing yoga. There are tons of options for free yoga videos all over Youtube, varying in style, discipline and focus.
Below are 5 of the best Youtube yoga channels to get you going with your yoga practice this year.
1. Yoga with Adriene
If you’ve ever searched for yoga on Youtube you’ve probably come across a Yoga with Adriene video. This channel is super popular with over 4 million subscribers and if you’re looking for a one stop shop for all your yoga needs, this is it!
Adriene is one of my favorite Youtube yogis. You’ll love her calming, grounded personality and the sheer number of videos and playlists she has on her channel. There are hundreds to choose from, with new ones being posted weekly. Whether you’re a beginner or pro, have a few minutes or hours to spare, are looking to sweat or relax--Adriene’s got your back! She also shares tips and tricks, meditations, and recipes on her channel. Each month Adriene creates a calendar and themed playlist of daily yoga workouts to keep you on track.
Check out:
2. Brett Larkin Yoga
On her channel Brett teaches Vinyasa flow yoga and meditation and has lots of yoga-related advice to share. You'll love how accessible and non-intimidating her videos are. And her bubbly personality will leave you smiling, even after challenging workout. This is a great channel for beginners, with a lot of How-To videos for everything from poses to breathing techniques. So even though you’re not in a studio you can get that focused instruction you might need when your just starting out. But don’t let that fool you, she has tons of full length, higher intensity videos for when your ready to work up a sweat. Brett will not only help you get your body right, but your mind and soul as well.
Check out:
- Total Body Yoga: Full Body Workout for Beginners (45-min) Amazing Vinyasa Flow Weightloss Yoga
- Gentle Yoga | Beginner Yoga for Stress Relief | Less than 10 Minutes
3. Boho Beautiful
Ever imagined yourself practicing yoga on a beautiful beach or mountain top? Then the Boho Beautiful yoga videos are definitely for you. Juliana films her yoga and body toning videos in some of the most breathtaking destinations. You’ll completely forget that your in your living room! Juliana’s videos are fun and upbeat with motivating music. They’re on the shorter side (around 20 min), but you will feel every minute. Perfect for those who want a quick, yet effective yoga workout.
Check out:
- Perfect Morning Yoga ♥ A Cup Of Coffee For Your Soul | North Caicos
- Blissful Yoga Flow ♥ One Yoga Class To Rule Them All
4. Bad Yogi
Erin Motz of the Bad Yogi channel is far from your traditional yoga teacher. She's on a mission to make the yoga community more inclusive and remove the "snobbery, pretense, and endless prerequisites." On her channel you'll find a variety of videos and playlists for all levels, but it's geared toward those just starting out. Topics include everything from upper and lower body focus, to yoga for your zodiac sign and much more. She even has a 10 day ab challenge to get you feeling the burn. You'll enjoy her lighthearted, down-to-earth approach that removes all judgement and makes yoga accessible to everyone.
Check out:
5. Alo Yoga
Alo Yoga is a studio franchise in California, but they make full length class videos available on their Youtube channel, allowing people to enjoy their videos all over the world! My favorite part about this channel is the variety of teachers they showcase. Just like at a real studio you can pick and choose your favorite teachers and classes, although they're all top notch. They specialize in vinyasa flows for all levels and meditation. You will sweat! This channel is for when you want that studio feel, but don't want to leave your living room.
Check out:
It's so nice to have the option to workout at home for free with Youtube. Anyone can begin practicing yoga on their own terms and on their own schedule.
These are 5 of my favorite yoga Youtube channels, but there are many more out there. If you're looking for a place to start or are continuing on your yoga journey I encourage you to check out some of the channels mentioned here.
What are your favorite Youtube channels for yoga?
6 Wellness Podcasts for a Happier, Healthier Life
I'm a big podcast fan and I listen to them A LOT! Whether I'm doing my hair, driving to work, cooking, working out...whatever the activity, you'll probably hear a podcast playing in the background. Today I'm sharing some of my favorite wellness-related podcasts that will motivate you as you start or continuing on your wellness journey.
I'm a big podcastfan and I listen to them A LOT! Whether I'm doing my hair, driving to work,cooking, working out...whatever the activity, you'll probably hear a podcastplaying in the background.
If you haven'tentered the podcast world yet, it's time you take the plunge! Podcasts are entertaining and informative,and the best part is you can listen on the go. It's a fun and easy way to learn about almost any topic you can thinkof.
Now that werejumping into the new year, my podcast focus has shifted to the health andwellness arena. If you're anything like me you've been thinking about how to bethe best version of yourself and strive for health and happiness this year.
Well look nofurther! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite wellness-related podcasts thatwill motivate you as you start or continuing on your wellness journey.
I love that these podcasts approach wellness from many different perspectives--focusing on mind, body and spirit. I think each of these aspects of health are super important. For long term well-being we really need a balance of all three. Each of these podcasts has something unique to offer to the wellness space and I really enjoy listening. I know you will too!
1. Oprah's Super Soul Conversations

Inmy mind Oprah can do no wrong (does that make me biased?!). And her podcast is outstanding for thoselooking to grow and develop inside and out. This is my go-to podcast when I want a mindset shift. Oprah's deeply personal and meaningfulconversations always leave me feeling uplifted and inspired. Her guests are fascinating and includebest-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, health and wellness experts andeven celebrities. They so eloquentlyshare their stories, recapping their biggest life lessons. The show aims to provide answers to life'sbiggest questions and bring you closer to your best self. You'll learn about self-discovery,spirituality, finding your purpose and so much more.
2. Mind Body Green Podcast

I randomly came across this podcast when I was going through a really bad bout of eczema and was looking for natural, non-conventional methods of healing. This podcast speaks on that very subject. Host, Jason Wachob, is changing the conversation about health and advocates for a more holistic approach to wellness. One that goes beyond just the physical body. Jason's journey began when, with the help of functional medicine and yoga, he was able to naturally heal from a serious back injury. One that, under normal circumstances, would require surgery. Ever since then he's been on a quest to show transformative power of wellness. The show is casual and informative and the guests are some of biggest names in the wellness industry. Jason is real and honest and not afraid to look at the wellness industry through a critical lens. I've learned so many unexpected things from this podcast like how kale might actually be bad for your health and the life-changing power of mushrooms. This show is packed with information and Jason does a great job of keeping things interesting week after week.
3. The Wellness Mama Podcast

Don'tlet the name fool you, this podcast is not just for mamas! It's for anyone looking to craft a healthierlifestyle. I've been following theWellness Mama blog for some time now, since I've been on my own wellnessjourney and looking toward natural methods of healing. Her posts are always extremely thorough andwell-researched, yet easy to digest and apply. She's someone that I've reallycome to trust when it comes to health and wellness. I've recently startedlistening to her podcast and it's become a new favorite. On the podcast, Katiediscusses topics like holistic health, real food, fitness, and natural livingwith a little bit of motherhood and family life sprinkled in. Katie is extremely knowledgeable and I loveher personality. Definitely give this podcast a try for actionable tips forliving your healthiest life.
4. Food Heaven Podcast

Hostedby Registered Dietitians and BFFs Wendy and Jess, who vow to make the world ahealthier place one meal at a time. Ifyou're looking for a one stop shop for all things food, health and nutritionthis is it! Wendy and Jess, really knowtheir stuff. I love hearing their takeon popular wellness topics and their conversations with different leaders inthe wellness community. They give realtips for making sustainable changes to improve health. Things that you'll actually be able to applyand maintain. Their episodes aren'tsuper long. They range from about 20 to 45 minutes, giving you quality contentwithout all the fluff.
5. Good Life Project

GoodLife Project is way more than just a podcast, it's a movement. Founded byJonathan Fields, he and his team are on a mission to help us live a moremeaningful, connected and vital life. Onthe podcast, Johnathon gives us a peak into the lives of some of the mostaccomplished teachers, creators and leaders. He walks us through their journey and how they've achieved meaning,connection, and purpose in their lives. It really makes you rethink your own definition of "the goodlife." There's something so calmingand gentle about Jonathan's voice, and you can feel his authenticity andpassion in every episode. This is anamazingly inspirational podcast that I highly recommend. Shout out to my mom,who introduced me to this show!
6. Mind Body Musings

Irecently started listening to Mind Body Musings and I'm obsessed! It's rare that you listen to a podcast andfeel completely understood. If you'reinterested in topics like self-love, mindset, personal growth, spirituality,and how these all relate to health and wellness, then this is the podcast foryou! Author, life coach and formerfitness model, Maddy Moon shares her insight on aligning mind, body andspirit. Maddy's kind of like a wise,older sister, encouraging and pushing you to reach your full potential andletting you know that everything is gonna be just fine. She does a combination of interview style andsolo session episodes, that are always full of real-talk, humor, andmotivation.
What are your favorite wellness podcasts?