Why I Refuse to See a Dermatologist for Acne
Acne is the worst! Believe me I know...I’ve suffered from acne for years and it’s one of my biggest insecurities. If you’ve ever had acne, I’m sure you can relate.
Not only is it mentally taxing, but depending on what type of acne you have, it can be physically painful as well.
Often the first place we turn for relief is the dermatologist’s office. There you’ll likely be prescribed a combination of harsh topical creams and/or oral antibiotics. And more often than not, these treatments do work.
For a long time creams and pills kept my acne, for the most part, in check.
In the past I was a strong advocate of seeing a dermatologist ASAP to manage acne and avoid scarring.
However, the problem came when I decided to go off the medication.
Despite having been treated by a doctor for years, my condition was far from treated. After slowly weaning off the meds, my acne was back like it had never left.
And guess what...it hadn’t.
What I’ve learned is that dermatologists do not cure acne. In fact, they barely scratch the surface when it comes to addressing acne’s root cause.
My Acne Battle
For over a decade I have been in and out of dermatologists’ offices. My first visit was around the age of 13. Back then it was just your average teenage breakouts--very minor. Maybe some blackheads and the occasional pimple, but nothing chronic at this time.
I started using prescribed creams and cleansers, which worked quite well for a bit. But my skin eventually rebelled. In high school I transitioned to oral antibiotics--doxycycline/minocycline. They worked wonderfully on my skin...until I went to college.
Freshman year, out of the blue, my face started breaking out like never before! For the first time I started getting severe, cystic acne. It was horrifying and horrible timing.
I stopped taking the pills and seeing my dermatologist. I blamed the medication. After all the years of treatment, my skin was significantly worse than when I started. In hindsight it was most likely the result of stress from senior year, graduating, and preparing to leave for college.
After trying every over the counter remedy I could get my hands on, including Proactiv, my primary doctor put me on birth control.
I saw some improvements but I was tired of having my life controlled by acne. Feeling helpless, I went back to the dermatologist a year later. I started taking spironolactone--a blood pressure medication and diuretic that balances hormones and reduces oil production.

It worked like magic! My skin and self-confidence saw rapid improvements--my face looked 90% better and that painful, cystic acne became a thing of the past. I did get breakouts now and then, it wasn’t perfect, but nothing like what I dealt with before. Spironolactone, along with the Pill kept my acne under control for a little over five years
There was one occasion when I wasn’t able to get my prescription for a week and my skin started to get inflamed all over again. It was scary! According to my dermatologist, it is completely normal for your skin to revert if you stop the medication. And she assured me that I could safely stay on it for as long as needed.
Mind you, while taking spironolactone, yearly blood work is required to monitor your blood pressure and potassium levels, as well as a pregnancy test. It can cause birth defects if taken while pregnant. How safe is it really?
I experienced quite a few side effects that eventually caused me to stop taking it:
- Low blood pressure
- Fatigue
- Muscle cramps from increased blood potassium levels
- Dry eyes
When my optometrist recommended that I stop taking both spironolactone and the pill to help relieve symptoms of dry eyes, I was terrified. I couldn’t imagine having a repeat of freshman year, when my acne was at its worst.
After doing a ton of research and weighing the pros and cons, I worked up the courage to get off the meds.
I wish I could tell you that everything was fine and my acne never came back…but it did.
Thankfully, it’s not as bad as it was in college. But it’s still a daily struggle. Despite the frustration and the stress of dealing with acne, I have no plans of seeing a dermatologist or using prescription antibiotics.
Why I Won’t See a Dermatologist
I recently discussed my acne concerns with my current primary care doctor and he asked if I considered seeing a dermatologist or if I wanted him to write me a prescription for an oral antibiotic. My answer was No. Here are the reasons why I refuse to go back to the dermatologist to treat acne.
Doesn’t address the root cause of acne
According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the three causes of acne are
- Overproduction of oil (sebum) by enlarged oil glands in the skin.
- Blockage of hair follicles by oil or dead skin cells.
- Overgrowth of bacteria, P. acnes, inside clogged pores.
But what’s actually causing these things?
Why do I have more oil? How are my pores getting blocked? Why is bacteria overgrowing?
Dermatologists treat acne as if it’s the cause when it’s really the effect. It’s a sign that there’s an internal problem that you need to address.
So often dermatologists simply attribute it to genetics, write you a prescription and send you on your way.
Or they’ll say it’s hormones, write you a prescription and send you on your way.
There’s little to no talk of why hormones are out of balance. Things like stress, diet, gut health, inflammation, toxicity, poor liver functioning and medications all impact our hormones yet are ignored when it comes to treating acne.
I’ve been suffering from poor gut health for years and had no idea (you can read all about that here)! My acne was a symptom of this, but instead of addressing the root cause I let it go for years thinking I had solved the problem when my acne had subsided.
It’s no surprise that my acne came back because the same issues were still present underneath my clear complexion.
You can become dependent
When you have acne it can take a toll on your mental health. I got so consumed in trying to fix it. It became an obsession that left me feeling really depressed. When you finally find what seems to be the solution, especially after trying so many things, it’s very hard to let it go.
I took pills for acne every single day for over five years with no plans of stopping because I felt like that was the only way to keep my skin clear. I was dependent on the medication not only to manage my skin, but to manage my self-esteem and my self-worth. And that’s not healthy.
Even when I found out that the medication was having a negative effect on my health, it was hard for me to let it go.
I don’t want to feel like I need a medication for acne, a condition that is not life threatening, at the expense of my overall health and wellbeing.
Side effects
I discussed some of the side effects that I experienced on spironolactone, but there are side effects for every drug even the topical creams. Chemicals like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide strip your skin causing it to produce more oil and can cause premature aging of the skin.
Oral antibiotics for acne have a long list of side effects, including upset stomach, nausea, sun sensitivity, yeast infection and more. The other problem with oral antibiotics is that your body will likely become resistant to them over time, leaving you back where you started.
We now know that the use of antibiotics of all kinds disrupt the gut microbiome. Poor gut health has been linked to inflammation, digestive conditions like IBS, leaky gut, and crohn’s disease, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, skin conditions (like acne), and more. Long term use of antibiotics like those prescribed for acne are directly affecting the gut.
A short term solution
Acne isn’t just a random occurrence, it’s your body’s cry for help. Whatever’s going on inside, good or bad, will show up on your skin. So when you don’t address that root issue, acne is never going to go away, no matter how many creams or pills you use.
Prescribed treatments are attractive because they are easy (just pop a pill or put on some cream) and often faster. But they are a short term fix and may be doing more harm than good. I want to get off the roller coaster ride and take the time and effort to heal permanently.
I believe that my body can heal without prescription chemicals. I’m willing to be gentle and patient with myself, do my own research, listen to my body, and find a more holistic remedy that addresses the deeper issue that acne is just a symptom of.
I don’t expect everyone to take the same approach as me. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with seeing a dermatologist. It worked for me in the past and I’m thankful that I was able to find an effective solution when I needed it the most.
However, I’m no longer focused on just treating acne. I'm working on healing fully from the inside out.
What's your opinion about acne and the best ways to treat it?
Celery Juice: Why and How to Drink It
All over social media people have been raving about celery juice. Is it really a magical healing potion or is it just another health fad that will come and go?
Since first hearing about this miracle drink a few weeks ago, I decided to do a little research of my own. With all the testimonials, articles and even celebrities swearing by it, I was definitely interested to learn more.
To be completely honest, it was going to take a lot for me to drink liquid celery. I don’t mind having a celery stick here or there dipped in hummus or blue cheese dressing. But plain, raw celery is not on my list of favorite foods.
On top of that, I’ve never been able to drink green juices. I love eating vegetables, but the thought of drinking kale or spinach has always grossed me out. I know I’ve probably been missing out on tons of nutrients and health benefits, but I just haven’t been able to get past the visual.
However, with all that I was learning, I decided I had to give celery juice a chance!
What really caught my attention was the incredible impact it was having on chronic skin conditions like eczema and acne.
I’ve struggled with both of these for some time and I’ve found that common medical approaches DON’T WORK. Topical creams and antibiotics are just band aids that covers up the root cause, but don’t actually address the issue. It’s a temporary fix, but not a way to heal. Skin issues like eczema, acne, and psoriasis are a sign of a deeper problem going on within.
Based on what I was reading, celery juice was healing acne and eczema sufferers from the inside out. That, along with the many other reported health benefits prompted me to join #teamceleryjuice and try it for myself.
Why Drink Celery Juice?
The source of this celery juice craze is Anthony William, author of New York Times-bestselling Medical Medium series. He writes about the natural healing power of fruits and vegetables and their ability to cure almost any illness. I’m in the middle of reading his newest book, The Liver Rescue and it’s been extremely eye opening. It’s a fascinating approach to health and natural healing. I highly recommend it!
According to William, incorporating celery juice into your diet can have life changing effects on your health. We all know that celery is good for us, but I wasn’t aware of just how many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients celery contains.
It’s very high in antioxidants and has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. A great source of vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium, and vitamin B6. It also has a high percentage of water and electrolytes that keep you hydrated and flushes the system.
Surprisingly, celery is high in sodium due to its mineral salts. These special salts have been shown to starve out bacteria, potentially killing viruses in the body.
Benefits of Celery Juice
There seems to be some controversy over the true benefits of celery juice and whether or not claims are scientifically supported. But studies have shown that celery has the potential to improve a wide range of health concerns and conditions. Here are just a few of the reported benefits of drinking celery juice.
- Cancer Prevention
- Lowers Inflammation
- Supports weight loss
- Improves Digestion and IBS
- Helps heal eczema, psoriasis, and acne
- Builds the immune system and fights against infection
- Stabilizes blood pressure
- Reduces cholesterol
- Balances PH levels
- Restores gut health
- Protects Liver Health
- Helps with Infertility
- Fights Autoimmune Disease
- Improves Mental Health
- Prevents UTIs and Yeast Infections
How to Make It
There are two ways that you can make celery juice: using a juicer or a high speed blender. Luckily, I was able to borrow an old juicer from my mom, so that is the method I’ve been using. It’s pretty quick and easy. But both will get the job done.
The recommended amount to drink is 16 oz and, depending on the size of your celery, you will need about 1-2 bunches. To allow the celery juice to fully cleanse your digestive system, it is recommended that you drink celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. It’s also best to make it fresh and drink as soon as possible to get the most nutrients. But it can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container (like a mason jar) for up to 24 hours.
If you’re using a juicer, just wash and cut up your celery (into thirds) and put it through your juicer. I also like to strain it at the end so it’s perfectly smooth and not pulpy, but that’s completely optional. And if you’re using a newer juicer you may not have to worry about this at all.
Prepare your celery the same way if you’re using a blender. Blend the celery with a little water (about ¼ cup). Strain out the juice with a nut milk bag or cheesecloth and enjoy!
Organic vs. Conventional Celery
Organic celery is preferred but either can be used. If you’re using non-organic celery, then you may want to take extra care when washing to get rid of any pesticides or other chemicals that might be on it. One trick I learned is to soak your celery (or any produce) in baking soda and water to help dissolve any hard-to-wash substances from the surface.
I’ve tried both organic and regular celery, as some stores don’t have a wide selection. And organic celery can be pretty expensive and usually smaller in size than conventional. But I will say, I can taste the difference between the two.
I’ve tried celery from a few different stores--Trader Joe’s, Giant, Food Lion, Costco, and a local farmer’s market. No matter the source, I’ve found that juice made from organic celery tastes a lot better! Non organic celery juice is a little more bitter and has a thinner, more watery consistency.
If organic celery isn’t easily accessible, then regular celery is perfectly fine and still has the all vitamins and nutrients you want. I’ve used both with good results. I got lucky and found organic celery for a great price at Costco. Otherwise, I would be primarily using non-organic. But it’s completely up to you!
The Taste
Everyone has a different reaction to the taste of celery juice. Honestly, I thought it was pretty disgusting the first time I drank it. But now I actually enjoy it. It really is an acquired taste!
If you find that it’s a struggle to get all 16 oz of pure celery juice down, here are a few tips:
- Start small - I started drinking about 6 oz and slowly increased the amount overtime. Now I can drink 16 oz with no issue and I’m considering upping it to 24 oz.
- Add an apple - To get the full benefits you want to drink pure celery juice. But, juicing an apple in with the celery really helped me adjust to the taste. After about a week I was able to wean myself off and have the celery juice straight.
- Use a straw - something about sipping the juice through a straw rather than taking gulps makes it easier to drink.
- Drink it cold - I can’t imagine drinking warm celery juice. I store my celery in the fridge before using. After juicing, I put my cup of celery juice back in the fridge for a bit while I wash out my juicer. It’s much more refreshing when cold. I’ve read that the process of blending warms the juice, so if you’re using a blender you may want to refrigerate for longer before drinking.
My Experience
I’ve been drinking celery juice every morning for about 2 weeks, so not that long. But I’ve really been enjoying celery juice as a new addition to my morning routine. It feels good knowing that I’m doing something wonderful for my health first thing everyday. Of course there’s no quick fix to improving your health, but I have seen some positive results from drinking celery juice in this short amount of time.
I've already been working on building up my gut health and celery juice has had a major impact on my digestion. I don’t want to get into too much detail, but celery juice has definitely helped things move along and made me more...well...regular. Additionally, I don’t have as many cravings and feel more satisfied after meals. I also have more energy and haven’t felt the need for coffee or tea in the mornings.
I haven’t seen a major change in my acne or eczema yet. It does seem like breakouts are healing a little faster, but I’ll need more time to see if the celery juice is having a real impact on my skin.
One weird thing I’ve noticed is that I started experiences more headaches after I began drinking celery juice daily. This could be a coincidence and have nothing to do with the celery juice. But if anyone else has experienced this let me know! Could it be a possible side effect?
Overall, my results have been good and I’ve enjoyed the challenge of getting outside my dietary comfort zone. I’m going to continue drinking my daily celery juice and will keep you posted on my results.
If you haven’t tried celery juice yet, I highly recommend it! Even if you’re not into green juices or are worried about the taste, believe me it’s doable and it’s worth it. If I can drink it, anyone can!
Have you tried celery juice? What were your results?